Robert R Christian
Robert R Christian
Distinguished Research Professor of Biology Retired, East Carolina University, Previously Drexel U
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Consequences of climate change on the ecogeomorphology of coastal wetlands
JW Day, RR Christian, DM Boesch, A Yáñez-Arancibia, J Morris, ...
Estuaries and coasts 31, 477-491, 2008
Multiple states in the sea-level induced transition from terrestrial forest to estuary
MM Brinson, RR Christian, LK Blum
Estuaries 18, 648-659, 1995
Organizing and understanding a winter’s seagrass foodweb network through effective trophic levels
RR Christian, JJ Luczkovich
Ecological modelling 117 (1), 99-124, 1999
Consequences of hypoxia on estuarine ecosystem function: energy diversion from consumers to microbes
D Baird, RR Christian, CH Peterson, GA Johnson
Ecological Applications 14 (3), 805-822, 2004
Frequency of dividing cells as an estimator of bacterial productivity
SY Newell, RR Christian
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 42 (1), 23-31, 1981
Multi-year distribution patterns of nutrients within the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
RR Christian, JN Boyer, DW Stanley
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 259-274, 1991
Macrophyte communities and their impact on benthic fluxes of oxygen, sulphide and nutrients in shallow eutrophic environments
P Viaroli, M Bartoli, C Bondavalli, RR Christian, G Giordani, M Naldi
Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes (CLE AN.) Nitrogen and …, 1996
Assessment of spatial and temporal variability in ecosystem attributes of the St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Apalachee Bay, Florida
D Baird, J Luczkovich, RR Christian
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 47 (3), 329-349, 1998
Patterns of phytoplankton primary productivity in the Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, USA
JN Boyer, RR Christian, DW Stanley
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 97 (3), 287-297, 1993
Water quality and phytoplankton as indicators of hurricane impacts on a large estuarine ecosystem
BL Peierls, RR Christian, HW Paerl
Estuaries 26, 1329-1343, 2003
Influence of hydrological connectivity of riverine wetlands on nitrogen removal via denitrification
E Racchetti, M Bartoli, E Soana, D Longhi, RR Christian, M Pinardi, ...
Biogeochemistry 103, 335-354, 2011
Significance of euphotic, subtidal sediments to oxygen and nutrient cycling in a temperate estuary.
WM Rizzo, GJ Lackey, RR Christian
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 86 (1), 51-61, 1992
Ecological response to hurricane events in the Pamlico Sound system, North Carolina, and implications for assessment and management in a regime of increased frequency
HW Paerl, LM Valdes, AR Joyner, BL Peierls, MF Piehler, SR Riggs, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 29, 1033-1045, 2006
Effects of eutrophication on bottom habitat and prey resources of demersal fishes
SP Powers, CH Peterson, RR Christian, E Sullivan, MJ Powers, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 302, 233-243, 2005
The influence of water motion on the distribution and transport of materials in a salt marsh estuary 1
J Imberger, T Berman, RR Christian, EB Sherr, DE Whitney, LR Pomeroy, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 28 (2), 201-214, 1983
Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea-level rise and indicate ongoing drowning of North Carolina marshes
CM Voss, RR Christian, JT Morris
Marine Biology 160, 181-194, 2013
Dynamics of NH4 + and NO3 uptake in the water column of the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
JN Boyer, DW Stanley, RR Christian
Estuaries 17, 361-371, 1994
Lignocellulose and lignin in the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora: initial concentrations and short-term, post-depositional changes in detrital matter
RE Hodson, RR Christian, AE Maccubbin
Marine Biology 81, 1-7, 1984
Network analysis of nitrogen inputs and cycling in the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA
RR Christian, CR Thomas
Estuaries 26, 815-828, 2003
Distribution of microbial adenosine triphosphate in salt marsh sediments at Sapelo Island, Georgia
RR Christian, K Bancroft, WJ Wiebe
Soil Science 119 (1), 89-97, 1975
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