derek fong
Cited by
Cited by
Response of a river plume during an upwelling favorable wind event
DA Fong, WR Geyer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C1), 1067-1084, 2001
The alongshore transport of freshwater in a surface-trapped river plume
DA Fong, WR Geyer
Journal of Physical Oceanography 32 (3), 957-972, 2002
The wind-forced response on a buoyant coastal current: Observations of the western Gulf of Maine plume
DA Fong, WR Geyer, RP Signell
Journal of Marine Systems 12 (1-4), 69-81, 1997
Laboratory experiments simulating a coastal river inflow
AR Horner-Devine, DA Fong, SG Monismith, T Maxworthy
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 555, 203-232, 2006
High-resolution simulations of a macrotidal estuary using SUNTANS
B Wang, OB Fringer, SN Giddings, DA Fong
Ocean Modelling 26 (1-2), 60-85, 2009
The freshwater transport and dynamics of the western Maine coastal current
WR Geyer, RP Signell, DA Fong, J Wang, DM Anderson, BA Keafer
Continental shelf research 24 (12), 1339-1357, 2004
Characterizing sources of groundwater to a tropical coastal lagoon in a karstic area using radium isotopes and water chemistry
MB Young, ME Gonneea, DA Fong, WS Moore, J Herrera-Silveira, ...
Marine Chemistry 109 (3-4), 377-394, 2008
A note on the potential transport of scalars and organisms by surface waves
SG Monismith, DA Fong
Limnology and Oceanography 49 (4), 1214-1217, 2004
Evaluation of AUV‐based ADCP measurements
DA Fong, NL Jones
Limnology and Oceanography: methods 4 (3), 58-67, 2006
Modeling and understanding turbulent mixing in a macrotidal salt wedge estuary
B Wang, SN Giddings, OB Fringer, ES Gross, DA Fong, SG Monismith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C2), 2011
Dynamics of freshwater plumes: Observations and numerical modeling of the wind-forced response and alongshore freshwater transport
DA Fong
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998
Dispersal scaling from the world's rivers
JA Warrick, DA Fong
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (4), 2004
Role of straining and advection in the intratidal evolution of stratification, vertical mixing, and longitudinal dispersion of a shallow, macrotidal, salt wedge estuary
SN Giddings, DA Fong, SG Monismith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C3), 2011
A simple model of mixing in stratified tidal flows
SG Monismith, DA Fong
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C12), 28583-28595, 1996
Horizontal dispersion of a near-bed coastal plume
DA Fong, MT Stacey
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 489, 239-267, 2003
Plume dispersion on a fringing coral reef system
NL Jones, RJ Lowe, G Pawlak, DA Fong, SG Monismith
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (5part2), 2273-2286, 2008
Turbulent stresses and secondary currents in a tidal-forced channel with significant curvature and asymmetric bed forms
DA Fong, SG Monismith, MT Stacey, JR Burau
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 135 (3), 198-208, 2009
Comparison of Reynolds stress estimates derived from standard and fast-ping ADCPs
NJ Nidzieko, DA Fong, JL Hench
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 23 (6), 854-861, 2006
Sediment transport dynamics near a river inflow in a large alpine lake
KR Scheu, DA Fong, SG Monismith, OB Fringer
Limnology and Oceanography 60 (4), 1195-1211, 2015
Thermal structure and variability of a shallow tropical reservoir
Z Xing, DA Fong, E Yat-Man Lo, SG Monismith
Limnology and Oceanography 59 (1), 115-128, 2014
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Articles 1–20