Wen Yu
Wen Yu
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Cited by
Differential neural networks for robust nonlinear control: identification, state estimation and trajectory tracking
AS Poznyak, EN Sanchez, W Yu
World Scientific, 2001
Fuzzy identification using fuzzy neural networks with stable learning algorithms
W Yu, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 12 (3), 411-420, 2004
Nonlinear adaptive trajectory tracking using dynamic neural networks
AS Poznyak, W Yu, EN Sanchez, JP Perez
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10 (6), 1402-1411, 1999
Dynamic knowledge inference and learning under adaptive fuzzy Petri net framework
X Li, W Yu, F Lara-Rosano
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2000
Some new results on system identification with dynamic neural networks
W Yu, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12 (2), 412-417, 2001
Neural PID control of robot manipulators with application to an upper limb exoskeleton
W Yu, J Rosen
IEEE Transactions on cybernetics 43 (2), 673-684, 2013
Nonlinear system identification using discrete-time recurrent neural networks with stable learning algorithms
W Yu
Information sciences 158, 131-147, 2004
Support vector machine classification for large data sets via minimum enclosing ball clustering
J Cervantes, X Li, W Yu, K Li
Neurocomputing 71 (4-6), 611-619, 2008
Non-linear system modeling using LSTM neural networks
J Gonzalez, W Yu
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (13), 485-489, 2018
Passive equivalence of chaos in Lorenz system
W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1999
PID admittance control for an upper limb exoskeleton
W Yu, J Rosen, X Li
Proceedings of the 2011 American control conference, 1124-1129, 2011
Advances in Modeling and Vibration Control of Building Structures
S Thenozhi, W Yu
Annual Reviews in Control 37, 346-364, 2013
Stable adaptive compensation with fuzzy CMAC for an overhead crane
W Yu, MA Moreno-Armendariz, FO Rodriguez
Information Sciences 181 (21), 4895-4907, 2011
Nonlinear system identification with recurrent neural networks and dead-zone Kalman filter algorithm
J de Jesús Rubio, W Yu
Neurocomputing 70 (13-15), 2460-2466, 2007
Identification and optimal control of nonlinear systems using recurrent neural networks and reinforcement learning: An overview
A Perrusquía, W Yu
Neurocomputing 438, 145-154, 2021
A novel linear PID controller for an upper limb exoskeleton
W Yu, J Rosen
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3548-3553, 2010
Some stability properties of dynamic neural networks
W Yu, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2001
Modeling and control of wind turbine
L Arturo Soriano, W Yu, JJ Rubio
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 982597, 2013
Stability analysis of nonlinear system identification via delayed neural networks
J de Jesus Rubio, W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 54 (2), 161-165, 2007
Takagi–Sugeno dynamic neuro-fuzzy controller of uncertain nonlinear systems
J Cervantes, W Yu, S Salazar, I Chairez
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 25 (6), 1601-1615, 2016
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Articles 1–20