Planktonic food web structure and trophic transfer efficiency along a productivity gradient in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean L Armengol, A Calbet, G Franchy, A Rodríguez-Santos, ... Scientific reports 9 (1), 2044, 2019 | 128 | 2019 |
Carbon sequestration and zooplankton lunar cycles: Could we be missing a major component of the biological pump? S Hernández-León, G Franchy, M Moyano, I Menéndez, C Schmoker, ... Limnology and Oceanography 55 (6), 2503-2512, 2010 | 84 | 2010 |
Effects of copepods on natural microplankton communities: do they exert top-down control? L Armengol, G Franchy, A Ojeda, Á Santana-del Pino, S Hernández-León Marine Biology 164, 1-13, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Plankton community response to Saharan dust fertilization in subtropical waters off the Canary Islands G Franchy, A Ojeda, J López-Cancio, S Hernández-León Biogeosciences Discussions 10 (11), 17275-17307, 2013 | 17 | 2013 |
Plankton community changes from warm to cold winters in the oligotrophic subtropical ocean L Armengol, G Franchy, A Ojeda, S Hernández-León Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 677, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Variability of plankton communities in relation to the lunar cycle in oceanic waters S Hernandez-Leon, M Loreto Torreblanca, I Herrera, L Armrengol, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 12, 2025 | | 2025 |
Latitudinal and depth variation of microzooplancton grazing across the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean L Armengol Bové, G Franchy, A Rodríguez Santos, SM Hernández León Universitat d'Alacant, 2016 | | 2016 |
Understanding grazing experiments: length and nutrients addition effects L Armengol Bové, G Franchy, A Rodríguez Santos, SM Hernández León Universitat d'Alacant, 2016 | | 2016 |
Short-term variability of planktonic composition in subtropical waters off the Canary Islands. G Franchy, A Ojeda Rodriguez, SM Hernández León | | 2014 |
Short-term variability and trophic interactions within planktonic community in subtropical waters of he Canary Islands (Northeast atlantic) G Franchy Gil | | 2014 |
Interactive comment on “Plankton community response to Saharan dust fertilization in subtropical waters off the Canary Islands” by G. Franchy et al. G Franchy | | 2014 |
Pastaje (grazing) del microzooplancton en aguas de las Islas Canarias G Franchy Gil | | 2012 |
Zooplankton biomass and indices of grazing, metabolism and growth after a dust deposition event in subtropical waters. I Herrera, G Franchy, AV Ariza, L Yebra, S Hernández-León | | 2011 |
A simple model to estimate active flux in relation to zooplankton lunar cycles in subtropical waters G Franchy Gil | | 2009 |
Variability of plankton communities in relation to the lunar cycle in oceanic waters off the Canary Islands S Hernández-León, L Torreblanca, I Herrera, L Armengol, G Franchy, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 12, 1476524, 0 | | |