John M. Abowd
John M. Abowd
Edmund Ezra Day Professor Emeritus, Cornell University; U.S. Census Bureau (retired)
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High wage workers and high wage firms
JM Abowd, F Kramarz, DN Margolis
Econometrica 67 (2), 251-333, 1999
How much do immigration and trade affect labor market outcomes?
GJ Borjas, RB Freeman, LF Katz, J Discussion by DiNardo, JM Abowd
Brookings papers on economic activity 1997 (1), 1-90, 1997
On the covariance structure of earnings and hours changes
JM Abowd, D Card
Econometrica 57 (2), 411-45, 1989
Privacy: Theory meets practice on the map
A Machanavajjhala, D Kifer, J Abowd, J Gehrke, L Vilhuber
2008 IEEE 24th international conference on data engineering, 277-286, 2008
Does performance-based managerial compensation affect corporate performance?
JM Abowd
ilr Review 43 (3), 52-S-73-S, 1990
Computing person and firm effects using linked longitudinal employer-employee data
JM Abowd, RH Creecy, F Kramarz
Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Technical Papers, 2002
The analysis of labor markets using matched employer-employee data
JM Abowd, F Kramarz
Handbook of labor economics 3, 2629-2710, 1999
The effects of product market competition on collective bargaining agreements: The case of foreign competition in Canada
JA Abowd, T Lemieux
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 108 (4), 983-1014, 1993
Job queues and the union status of workers
JM Abowd, HS Farber
ILR Review 35 (3), 354-367, 1982
Estimating gross labor-force flows
JM Abowd, A Zellner
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 3 (3), 254-283, 1985
Executive compensation: six questions that need answering
JM Abowd, DS Kaplan
Journal of Economic Perspectives 13, 145-68, 1999
The US Census Bureau adopts differential privacy
JM Abowd
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2018
The costs of hiring and separations
JM Abowd, F Kramarz
Labour Economics 10 (5), 499-530, 2003
The LEHD Infrastructure Files and the Creation of the Quarterly Workforce Indicators
John M. Abowd, Bryce Stephens, Lars Vilhuber, Fredrik Andersson, Kevin L ...
Producer Dynamics: New Evidence from Micro Data, 149-230, 2009
The effect of wage bargains on the stock market value of the firm
JM Abowd
The American Economic Review, 774-800, 1989
Anticipated unemployment, temporary layoffs, and compensating wage differentials
JM Abowd, OC Ashenfelter
Studies in labor markets, 141-170, 1981
The entry and exit of workers and the growth of employment: an analysis of French establishments
JM Abowd, P Corbel, F Kramarz
Review of economics and statistics 81 (2), 170-187, 1999
Minimum wages and youth employment in France and the United States
JM Abowd, F Kramarz, T Lemieux, DN Margolis
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1997
International differences in executive and managerial compensation
JM Abowd, M Bognanno
Differences and changes in wage structures, 67-104, 1995
The relation among human capital, productivity, and market value: Building up from micro evidence
JM Abowd, J Haltiwanger, R Jarmin, J Lane, P Lengermann, K McCue, ...
Measuring capital in the new economy, 153-204, 2005
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Articles 1–20