Richard Miller
Richard Miller
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University
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Evaluation of equilibrium and non-equilibrium evaporation models for many-droplet gas-liquid flow simulations
RS Miller, K Harstad, J Bellan
International journal of multiphase flow 24 (6), 1025-1055, 1998
A generalized biomass pyrolysis model based on superimposed cellulose, hemicelluloseand liqnin kinetics
RS Miller, J Bellan
Combustion science and technology 126 (1-6), 97-137, 1997
Direct numerical simulation of a confined three-dimensional gas mixing layer with one evaporating hydrocarbon-droplet-laden stream
RS Miller, J Bellan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 384, 293-338, 1999
Numerical simulation of non-circular jets
RS Miller, CK Madnia, P Givi
Computers & fluids 24 (1), 1-25, 1995
Direct numerical simulations of supercritical fluid mixing layers applied to heptane–nitrogen
RS Miller, KG Harstad, J Bellan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 436, 1-39, 2001
Efficient high‐pressure state equations
KG Harstad, RS Miller, J Bellan
AIChE journal 43 (6), 1605-1610, 1997
Direct numerical simulation and subgrid analysis of a transitional droplet laden mixing layer
RS Miller, J Bellan
Physics of Fluids 12 (3), 650-671, 2000
Analysis of reaction products and conversion time in the pyrolysis of cellulose and wood particles
RS Miller, J Bellan
Combustion science and technology 119 (1-6), 331-373, 1996
Non-Gaussian scalar statistics in homogeneous turbulence
FA Jaberi, RS Miller, CK Madnia, P Givi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 313, 241-282, 1996
Structure of a turbulent reacting mixing layer
RS Miller, CK Madnia, P Givi
Combustion science and technology 99 (1-3), 1-36, 1994
Dispersion and polydispersity of droplets in stationary isotropic turbulence
F Mashayek, FA Jaberi, RS Miller, P Givi
International journal of multiphase flow 23 (2), 337-355, 1997
On stairwell and elevator shaft pressurization for smoke control in tall buildings
RS Miller, D Beasley
Building and Environment 44 (6), 1306-1317, 2009
Numerical study of wave effects on groundwater flow and solute transport in a laboratory beach
X Geng, MC Boufadel, Y Xia, H Li, L Zhao, NL Jackson, RS Miller
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 165, 37-52, 2014
Johnson-Edgeworth translation for probability modeling of binary scalar mixing in turbulent flows
RS Miller, SH Frankel, CK Madnia, P Givi
Combustion science and technology 91 (1-3), 21-52, 1993
Analysis of high-pressure hydrogen, methane, and heptane laminar diffusion flames: Thermal diffusion factor modeling
S Palle, RS Miller
Combustion and Flame 151 (4), 581-600, 2007
On molecular transport effects in real gas laminar diffusion flames at large pressure
S Palle, C Nolan, RS Miller
Physics of Fluids 17 (10), 2005
Parallel computation of the Boltzmann transport equation for microscale heat transfer in multilayered thin films
S Srinivasan, RS Miller, E Marotta
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 46 (1), 31-58, 2004
Numerical simulation of vortex pyrolysis reactors for condensable tar production from biomass
RS Miller, J Bellan
Energy & fuels 12 (1), 25-40, 1998
Differential diffusion in binary scalar mixing and reaction
FA Jaberi, RS Miller, F Mashayek, P Givi
Combustion and flame 109 (4), 561-577, 1997
Computational analysis of the thermal conductivity of the carbon–carbon composite materials
M Grujicic, CL Zhao, EC Dusel, DR Morgan, RS Miller, DE Beasley
Journal of materials science 41, 8244-8256, 2006
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