Jürgen Heinz Werner
Jürgen Heinz Werner
Professor für Elektro- und Informationstechnik, Universität Stuttgart
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Barrier inhomogeneities at Schottky contacts
JH Werner, HH Güttler
Journal of applied physics 69 (3), 1522-1533, 1991
Schottky barrier and pn-junctionI/V plots — Small signal evaluation
JH Werner
Applied physics A 47, 291-300, 1988
Quantum efficiencies exceeding unity due to impact ionization in silicon solar cells
S Kolodinski, JH Werner, T Wittchen, HJ Queisser
Applied Physics Letters 63 (17), 2405-2407, 1993
Flexible solar cells for clothing
MB Schubert, JH Werner
Materials today 9 (6), 42-50, 2006
Electronic properties of semiconducting FeSi2 films
CA Dimitriadis, JH Werner, S Logothetidis, M Stutzmann, J Weber, ...
Journal of applied physics 68 (4), 1726-1734, 1990
Efficiency limitations of polycrystalline thin film solar cells: case of Cu (In, Ga) Se2
JH Werner, J Mattheis, U Rau
Thin Solid Films 480, 399-409, 2005
Radiative efficiency limits of solar cells with lateral band-gap fluctuations
U Rau, JH Werner
Applied physics letters 84 (19), 3735-3737, 2004
Origin of the excess capacitance at intimate Schottky contacts
J Werner, AFJ Levi, RT Tung, M Anzlowar, M Pinto
Physical review letters 60 (1), 53, 1988
Novel optimization principles and efficiency limits for semiconductor solar cells
JH Werner, S Kolodinski, HJ Queisser
Physical review letters 72 (24), 3851, 1994
Potential of photovoltaic systems in countries with high solar irradiation
G Makrides, B Zinsser, M Norton, GE Georghiou, M Schubert, JH Werner
Renewable and Sustainable energy reviews 14 (2), 754-762, 2010
High quality baseline for high efficiency, Cu(In1−x,Gax)Se2 solar cells
P Jackson, R Würz, U Rau, J Mattheis, M Kurth, T Schlötzer, G Bilger, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 15 (6), 507-519, 2007
Alternative back contact materials for thin film Cu (In, Ga) Se2 solar cells
K Orgassa, HW Schock, JH Werner
Thin Solid Films 431, 387-391, 2003
Temperature dependence of Schottky barrier heights on silicon
JH Werner, HH Güttler
Journal of applied physics 73 (3), 1315-1319, 1993
Optimization and characterization of amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells
N Jensen, RM Hausner, RB Bergmann, JH Werner, U Rau
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 10 (1), 1-13, 2002
Back surface band gap gradings in Cu (In, Ga) Se2 solar cells
T Dullweber, O Lundberg, J Malmström, M Bodegård, L Stolt, U Rau, ...
Thin Solid Films 387 (1-2), 11-13, 2001
Modelling of bifacial gain for stand-alone and in-field installed bifacial PV modules
I Shoukry, J Libal, R Kopecek, E Wefringhaus, J Werner
Energy Procedia 92, 600-608, 2016
Electronic Transport in dye-sensitized nanoporous tiO2 solar cells comparison of electrolyte and solid-state devices
G Kron, T Egerter, JH Werner, U Rau
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (15), 3556-3564, 2003
Solar cell efficiency and carrier multiplication in Si1− xGex alloys
M Wolf, R Brendel, JH Werner, HJ Queisser
Journal of applied physics 83 (8), 4213-4221, 1998
Temperature behaviour of different photovoltaic systems installed in Cyprus and Germany
G Makrides, B Zinsser, GE Georghiou, M Schubert, JH Werner
Solar energy materials and solar cells 93 (6-7), 1095-1099, 2009
Internal voltages in GaInP∕ GaInAs∕ Ge multijunction solar cells determined by electroluminescence measurements
T Kirchartz, U Rau, M Hermle, AW Bett, A Helbig, JH Werner
Applied Physics Letters 92 (12), 2008
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Articles 1–20