Anika N. Haque
Cited by
Cited by
Gender, domestic energy and design of inclusive low-income habitats: A case of slum rehabilitation housing in Mumbai, India
M Sunikka-Blank, R Bardhan, AN Haque
Energy Research & Social Science 49, 53-67, 2019
Individual, communal and institutional responses to climate change by low-income households in Khulna, Bangladesh
AN Haque, D Dodman, MM Hossain
Environment and Urbanization 26 (1), 112-129, 2014
Participatory integrated assessment of flood protection measures for climate adaptation in Dhaka
AN Haque, S Grafakos, M Huijsman
Environment and Urbanization 24 (1), 197-213, 2012
Why do low-income urban dwellers reject energy technologies? Exploring the socio-cultural acceptance of solar adoption in Mumbai and Cape Town
AN Haque, C Lemanski, J De Groot
Energy Research & Social Science 74, 101954, 2021
Application of multi‐criteria analysis on climate adaptation assessment in the context of least developed countries
AN Haque
Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 23 (5-6), 210-224, 2016
Sentiment analysis as tool for gender mainstreaming in slum rehabilitation housing management in Mumbai, India
R Bardhan, M Sunikka-Blank, AN Haque
Habitat International 92, 102040, 2019
Assessment of adaptation measures against flooding in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh
AN Haque
Erasmas University, 2010
Climate risk responses and the urban poor in the global South: the case of Dhaka’s flood risk in the low-income settlements
AN Haque
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 64 (102534), 1-12, 2021
Adaptation to flooding in low‐income urban settlements in the least developed countries: A systems approach
AN Haque, M Bithell, KS Richards
The Geographical Journal 186 (3), 314-326, 2020
Is (in)access to infrastructure driven by physical delivery or weak governance? Power and knowledge asymmetries in Cape Town, South Africa
AN Haque
Geoforum 126, 48-58, 2021
A ‘Whole Systems’ View of Vulnerability to Climatic Risks: The Case of the Urban Poor in Dhaka, Bangladesh
AN Haque
Progress in Development Studies 20 (2), 101-118, 2020
Climate change adaptation projects: Integrating prioritization and evaluation
A Gianoli, S Grafakos, V Olivotto, AN Haque
Adaptation to Flooding in Low-Income Urban Settlements of the Least Developed Countries: A Case of Dhaka East, Bangladesh
AN Haque
A ‘whole systems’ view of vulnerability of urban poor to climate change in the developing world
AN Haque
Progress in Development Studies, 101-118, 2020
Gender, domestic energy and design of inclusive low-income habitats: A case of slum rehabilitation housing in Mumbai, India
MS Blank, R Bardhan, AN Haque
TIDEE: TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment 18 (3), 294-294, 2019
Housing or Poverty Trap for Women? A Case of Slum Rehabilitation Housing in Mumbai
AN Haque
Climate change adaptation projects: integrating prioritization and evaluation
AN Haque
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Articles 1–17