Ahmed Ragheb
Ahmed Ragheb
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GPS sidereal filtering: coordinate-and carrier-phase-level strategies
AE Ragheb, PJ Clarke, SJ Edwards
Journal of Geodesy 81, 325-335, 2007
Enhancement of google earth positional accuracy
AE Ragheb, AF Ragab
Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol 4 (1), 627-630, 2015
Using filtered and semicontinuous high rate GPS for monitoring deformations
AE Ragheb, SJ Edwards, PJ Clarke
Journal of surveying engineering 136 (2), 72-79, 2010
Performance of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) in absence of GPS observations
I Ashour, M El Tokhey, Y Mogahed, A Ragheb
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2), 101589, 2022
Coordinate-space and observation-space filtering methods for sidereally repeating errors in GPS: Performance and filter lifetime
AE Ragheb, PJ Clarke, SJ Edwards
Proceedings of the 2007 National Technical Meeting of The Institute of …, 2007
Enhancement of GPS single point positioning accuracy using referenced network stations
AE Ragheb, AF Ragab
World Applied Sciences Journal 18 (10), 1463-1474, 2012
Adopted image matching techniques for aiding indoor navigation
M Ramadan, M El Tokhey, A Ragab, T Fath-Allah, A Ragheb
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (4), 3649-3658, 2021
Comparative assessment of terrestrial laser scanner against traditional surveying methods
A Abd-Elmaaboud, M El-Tokhey, A Ragheb, Y Mogahed
Int. J. Eng. Appl. Sci 6, 79-84, 2019
Efficiency evaluation of processed photogrammetric data captured by GPS digital camera
AF Ragab, AE Ragheb
World Applied Sciences Journal 8 (4), 414-421, 2010
GPS cycle slips detection and repair through various signal Combinations
M El-Tokhey, T Sorour, A Ragheb, M Moussa
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) 4 (11), 247-260, 2014
Gravity and Density Relationship (forward Modelling)
M El-Tokhey, M Elhabiby, A Ragheb, M Shebl
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 6 (1), 2015
GPS enabled digital Photogrammetry for 3d earth modeling
AE Ragheb, AF Ragab
Gi4DM 2011-GeoInformation for Disaster Management, 1-6, 2011
A case study for best path selection using integrated GIS-multicriteria decision approach
M Diefallah, A Ragab, A Ragheb, A Abdelkarim
Surveying and Land Information Science 76 (2), 83-96, 2017
Filtered and semi-continuous single epoch GPS for deformation monitoring
AEH Ragheb
Newcastle University, 2007
Assessment of Terrestrial Laser Scanner against Different Surveying Techniques.
AM Abdelmaaboud, ME El-Tokhey, AE Ragheb, YM Mogahed
MEJ-Mansoura Engineering Journal 46 (1), 40-46, 2021
GNSS Cycle Slip Detection and Estimation Using LSTM-based Autoencoder Model
ME Ahmed E. Ragheb, Ahmed Zekry
Mansoura Engineering Journal, 2021
Assessment of Single and Precise Point Positioning Over Long Observational Periods
M El-Tokhey, A Ragheb, T Hassan
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 8 (5 …, 2019
Assessment of Different Approaches of Dynamic/Static Datum Transformation in Egypt using Different Plate Motion Models
TW Hassan, M El-Tokhey, TF Fath-Allah, AE Ragheb
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 152-159, 2017
Enhancement of Precise Point Positioning Using GPS Single Frequency Data
IF Shaker, TF Fath-Allah, MM El-habiby, AE Ragheb, AI Awad
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 7 (12), 2016
Possibility of Dispensing Cycle Slips Correction Process Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
T Fath-Allah, A Ragheb
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) 7 (11 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20