Filip Stanic
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Cited by
Measurements of the water balance components of a large green roof in the greater Paris area
PA Versini, F Stanic, A Gires, D Schertzer, I Tchiguirinskaia
Earth System Science Data 12 (2), 1025-1035, 2020
A device for the simultaneous determination of the water retention properties and the hydraulic conductivity function of an unsaturated coarse material; application to a green …
F Stanić, YJ Cui, P Delage, E De Laure, PA Versini, D Schertzer, ...
Geotechnical Testing Journal 43 (3), 547-564, 2020
A new fractal approach to account for capillary and adsorption phenomena in the water retention and transfer properties of unsaturated soils
F Stanić, P Delage, I Tchiguirinskaia, PA Versini, YJ Cui, D Schertzer
Water Resources Research 56 (12), e2020WR027808, 2020
A new multifractal-based grain size distribution model
F Stanić, I Tchiguirinskaia, PA Versini, YJ Cui, P Delage, P Aimedieu, ...
Geoderma 404, 115294, 2021
Laboratory investigation of hydraulic characteristics of fly ash as a fill material from the aspects of pollutant transport
F Stanić, N Jaćimović, A Ranđelović, J Despotović
Water Science and Technology 76 (4), 976-982, 2017
Two Improvements to Gardner's Method of Measuring the Hydraulic Conductivity of Non‐saturated Media: Accounting for Impedance Effects and Non‐constant Imposed Suction Increment
F Stanić, P Delage, YJ Cui, E De Laure, PA Versini, D Schertzer, ...
Water Resources Research 56 (1), e2019WR026098, 2020
Suivi et modélisation à haute résolution des flux hydriques d’une toiture végétalisée
F Stanic
Université Paris-Est, 2020
Nature-based Solutions (NBS) at work and monitoring their performance-the innovative research case of the EU-funded project euPOLIS
A Randelović, A Figueras, F Seidelin, L Briggs, F Stanić
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-17063, 2023
A Novel Semi‐Analytical (Inertial) Solution for Determining Permeability of Highly Pervious Porous Materials Using the Two‐Reservoir Laboratory Setup
F Stanić, O Govedarica, N Jaćimović, B Lekić, A Ranđelović
Water Resources Research 59 (7), e2022WR034158, 2023
A glimpse into the euPOLIS multi-dimensional Indicator System for Site Screening & NBS Assessment
S Baki, A Ranđelović, A Kazantzi, F Stanić, C Makropoulos
12th International Conference of the International Ecological Engineering …, 2023
Analysis of green roof's water balance components using Universal Multifractal (UM) framework
F Stanic, PA Versini, I Tchiguirinskaia, D Schertzer, P Delage, YJ Cui
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16107, 2018
Circular Economy Innovation in Urban Infrastructure: Harnessing the Power of Solidified WWTP Sludge in Porous Concrete Pavements for Flood-Resilient Cities
O Govedarica, D Karanović, F Stanić, M Škondrić, B Lekić, ...
16th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Delft, 9-14 June, 2024 15, 2024
An improved semi-analytical solution for determining water permeability of highly pervious porous materials
F Stanić, N Jaćimović, O Govedarica, B Lekić, Ž Vasilić, A Ranđelović
16th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Delft, June, 2024, 2024
Novel computational tool for coupling water and heat transport models–application on green roofs
F Stanić, Ž Vasilić, A Ranđelović
12th International Conference of the International Ecological Engineering …, 2023
Urban greenery’s effects on Public Health and Wellbeing of Citizens and how to assess it–preliminary euPOLIS findings
A Ranđelović, S Jovanović-Srzentić, M Stošić, F Stanić, Ž Vasilić
12th International Conference of the International Ecological Engineering …, 2023
Analiza hidroloških i termoregulacionih svojstava zelenih krovova korišćenjem fizički zasnovanih modela transporta vode i toplote kroz nezasićenu poroznu sredinu
M Sedak, F Stanić, Ž Vasilić, A Ranđelović
Vodoprivreda 55 (321-322), 35-48, 2023
Metoologija za proračun i analizu infiltracionih polja za prihvatanje oticaja sa saobraćajnica
Ž Vasilić, F Stanić, A Ranđelović
Vodoprivreda 54 (319-320), 213-224, 2022
Veza između granulometrijske krive i hidrauličkih karakteristika nezasićenog zemljišta zasnovana na teoriji (multi) fraktala
F Stanić, P Delage, D Schertzer
19. Savetovanje SDHI & SDH, Beograd, 2021
Fizički zasnovano modeliranje infiltracije kod prirodom inspirisanih rešenja
O Govedarica, F Stanić, A Ranđelović
Zbornik radova 19. naučnog savetovanja Srpskog društva za hidraulička …, 2021
Inovativna metodologija za eksperimentalno određivanje vodoprovodljivosti nezasićenog zemljišta
F Stanić, P Delage, YJ Cui
Vodoprivreda 52 (306-308), 223-234, 2020
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Articles 1–20