Luis Tari
Luis Tari
UpToDate, Wolters Kluwer Health
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Discovering drug–drug interactions: a text-mining and reasoning approach based on properties of drug metabolism
L Tari, S Anwar, S Liang, J Cai, C Baral
Bioinformatics 26 (18), i547-i553, 2010
Fuzzy c-means clustering with prior biological knowledge
L Tari, C Baral, S Kim
Journal of biomedical informatics 42 (1), 74-81, 2009
Towards effective sentence simplification for automatic processing of biomedical text
S Jonnalagadda, L Tari, J Hakenberg, C Baral, G Gonzalez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1001.4277, 2010
Mining gene-disease relationships from biomedical literature: weighting protein–protein interactions and connectivity measures
G Gonzalez, JC Uribe, L Tari, C Brophy, C Baral
Biocomputing 2007, 28-39, 2007
Systematic drug repurposing through text mining
LB Tari, JH Patel
Biomedical Literature Mining, 253-267, 2014
Efficient extraction of protein-protein interactions from full-text articles
J Hakenberg, R Leaman, NH Vo, S Jonnalagadda, R Sullivan, C Miller, ...
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 7 (3), 481-494, 2010
A SNPshot of PubMed to associate genetic variants with drugs, diseases, and adverse reactions
J Hakenberg, D Voronov, VH Nguyên, S Liang, S Anwar, B Lumpkin, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 45 (5), 842-850, 2012
Incremental information extraction using relational databases
L Tari, PH Tu, J Hakenberg, Y Chen, TC Son, G Gonzalez, C Baral
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 24 (1), 86-99, 2010
Synthesis of pharmacokinetic pathways through knowledge acquisition and automated reasoning
L Tari, S Anwar, S Liang, J Hakenberg, C Baral
Biocomputing 2010, 465-476, 2010
Molecular event extraction from link grammar parse trees
J Hakenberg, I Solt, D Tikk, L Tari, A Rheinländer, NQ Long, G Gonzalez, ...
Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task, 86-94, 2009
Knowledge inference
L Tari
Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, 1074-1078, 2013
Apparatus and methods to recommend medical information
LBN Tari, BJ Kolowitz, BJ Wilson, AL Von Reden, ECN Wiancko, ...
US Patent App. 14/554,665, 2016
System and method for extracting ontological information from a body of text
LBN Tari, A Moitra
US Patent 9,244,909, 2016
Identifying novel drug indications through automated reasoning
L Tari, N Vo, S Liang, J Patel, C Baral, J Cai
PloS one 7 (7), e40946, 2012
A Language for Modular Answer Set Programming: Application to ACC Tournament Scheduling.
L Tari, C Baral, S Anwar
Answer Set Programming, 2005
Querying parse tree database of Medline text to synthesize user-specific biomolecular networks
L Tari, J Hakenberg, G Gonzalez, C Baral
Biocomputing 2009, 87-98, 2009
Using AnsProlog with Link Grammar and WordNet for QA with deep reasoning
C Baral, L Tari
9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06), 125-128, 2006
Understanding the global properties of functionally-related gene networks using the gene ontology
L Tari, C Baral, P Dasgupta
Biocomputing 2005, 209-220, 2005
Intelligent ontology update tool
LBN Tari, AN Iankoulski, W Tianyi
US Patent App. 14/484,380, 2016
Passage Relevancy Through Semantic Relatedness.
L Tari, PH Tu, B Lumpkin, R Leaman, G Gonzalez, C Baral
TREC, 2007
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Articles 1–20