Yongqiang Cheng
Yongqiang Cheng
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Atomic-level structure and structure–property relationship in metallic glasses
YQ Cheng, E Ma
Progress in Materials Science 56 (4), 379-473, 2011
Shear bands in metallic glasses
AL Greer, YQ Cheng, E Ma
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 74 (4), 71-132, 2013
Atomic level structure in multicomponent bulk metallic glass
YQ Cheng, E Ma, HW Sheng
Physical review letters 102 (24), 245501, 2009
High-entropy alloys with high saturation magnetization, electrical resistivity, and malleability
Y Zhang, TT Zuo, YQ Cheng, PK Liaw
Scientific reports 3, 1455, 2013
Structures, Phase Transitions and Tricritical Behavior of the Hybrid Perovskite Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide
PS Whitfield, N Herron, WE Guise, K Page, YQ Cheng, I Milas, ...
Scientific reports 6, 35685, 2016
Relationship between structure, dynamics, and mechanical properties in metallic glass-forming alloys
YQ Cheng, HW Sheng, E Ma
Physical Review B 78 (1), 014207, 2008
Soft spots and their structural signature in a metallic glass
J Ding, S Patinet, ML Falk, Y Cheng, E Ma
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (39), 14052-14056, 2014
Local order influences initiation of plastic flow in metallic glass: Effects of alloy composition and sample cooling history
YQ Cheng, AJ Cao, HW Sheng, E Ma
Acta Materialia 56 (18), 5263-5275, 2008
Selective production of arenes via direct lignin upgrading over a niobium-based catalyst.
Y Shao, Q Xia, L Dong, X Liu, X Han, SF Parker, Y Cheng, LL Daemen, ...
Nature communications 8, 16104, 2017
Approaching the ideal elastic limit of metallic glasses
L Tian, YQ Cheng, ZW Shan, J Li, CC Wang, XD Han, J Sun, E Ma
Nature communications 3, 609, 2012
Polyamorphism in a metallic glass
HW Sheng, HZ Liu, YQ Cheng, J Wen, PL Lee, WK Luo, SD Shastri, E Ma
Nature materials 6 (3), 192-197, 2007
Structural processes that initiate shear localization in metallic glass
AJ Cao, YQ Cheng, E Ma
Acta Materialia 57 (17), 5146-5155, 2009
Correlation between the elastic modulus and the intrinsic plastic behavior of metallic glasses: The roles of atomic configuration and alloy composition
YQ Cheng, AJ Cao, E Ma
Acta materialia 57 (11), 3253-3267, 2009
Interfacial Stability of Li Metal–Solid Electrolyte Elucidated via in Situ Electron Microscopy
C Ma, Y Cheng, K Yin, J Luo, A Sharafi, J Sakamoto, J Li, KL More, ...
Nano Letters 16 (11), 7030-7036, 2016
Guidelines in predicting phase formation of high-entropy alloys
Y Zhang, ZP Lu, SG Ma, PK Liaw, Z Tang, YQ Cheng, MC Gao
Mrs Communications 4 (2), 57-62, 2014
Aluminum alloying effects on lattice types, microstructures, and mechanical behavior of high-entropy alloys systems
Z Tang, MC Gao, H Diao, T Yang, J Liu, T Zuo, Y Zhang, Z Lu, Y Cheng, ...
Jom 65 (12), 1848-1858, 2013
Local electronic structure variation resulting in Li ‘filament’formation within solid electrolytes
X Liu, R Garcia-Mendez, AR Lupini, Y Cheng, ZD Hood, F Han, A Sharafi, ...
Nature Materials 20 (11), 1485-1490, 2021
Electron-beam-assisted superplastic shaping of nanoscale amorphous silica
K Zheng, C Wang, YQ Cheng, Y Yue, X Han, Z Zhang, Z Shan, SX Mao, ...
Nature communications 1, 24, 2010
Full icosahedra dominate local order in Cu 64 Zr 34 metallic glass and supercooled liquid
J Ding, YQ Cheng, E Ma
Acta Materialia 69, 343-354, 2014
Tailoring magnetic behavior of CoFeMnNiX (X= Al, Cr, Ga, and Sn) high entropy alloys by metal doping
T Zuo, MC Gao, L Ouyang, X Yang, Y Cheng, R Feng, S Chen, PK Liaw, ...
Acta Materialia 130, 10-18, 2017
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