David Kulikowski
David Kulikowski
Woodside Energy
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Combining Geophysical Data and Calcite Twin Stress Inversion to Refine the Tectonic History of Subsurface and Offshore Provinces: A Case Study on the Cooper‐Eromanga Basin …
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch
Tectonics 36 (3), 515-541, 2017
Structural evolution of horst and half-graben structures proximal to a transtensional fault system determined using 3D seismic data from the Shipwreck Trough, offshore Otway …
AG Robson, SP Holford, RC King, D Kulikowski
Marine and Petroleum Geology 89, 615-634, 2018
Geomechanical Modelling of Fault Reactivation in the Cooper Basin, Australia
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, D Cooke
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 63 (3), 295-314, 2016
Basement structural architecture and hydrocarbon conduit potential of polygonal faults in the cooper‐eromanga basin, Australia
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, D Cooke, ME Gray
Geophysical Prospecting 66 (2), 366-396, 2018
Development of a new approach for hydraulic fracturing in tight sand with pre-existing natural fractures
K Pokalai, D Kulikowski, R Johnson, M Haghighi, D Cooke
The APPEA Journal 56, 225-238, 2016
3D seismic analysis investigating the relationship between stratigraphic architecture and structural activity in the intra-cratonic Cooper and Eromanga basins, Australia
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch
Marine and Petroleum Geology 91, 381-400, 2018
Determining paleo-structural environments through natural fracture and calcite twin analyses: a case study in the Otway Basin, Australia
HB Burgin, K Amrouch, M Rajabi, D Kulikowski, SP Holford
The APPEA Journal 58 (1), 238-254, 2018
Mapping permeable subsurface fracture networks: A case study on the Cooper Basin, Australia
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, HB Burgin
Journal of Structural Geology, 2018
Constraining the distribution and relationship between overpressure, natural fracture density and temperature in the Cooper Basin, Australia
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, D Cooke
The APPEA Journal 56, 11-28, 2016
4D modelling of fault reactivation using complete paleostress tensors from the Cooper–Eromanga Basin, Australia
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 65 (5), 661-681, 2018
Composition changes of hydrocarbons during secondary petroleum migration
S Borazjani, D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, P Bedrikovetsky
The APPEA Journal 58 (2), 784-787, 2018
A Statistical Approach to Assessing Depth Conversion Uncertainty on a Regional Dataset: Cooper-Eromanga Basin, Australia
D Kulikowski, C Hochwald, D Cooke, K Amrouch
ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016, 484-490, 2016
Composition changes of hydrocarbons during secondary petroleum migration (case study in cooper basin, australia)
S Borazjani, D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, P Bedrikovetsky
Geosciences 9 (2), 78, 2019
The Cooper-Eromanga petroleum province, Australia
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, K Pokalai, SI Mackie, ME Gray, HB Burgin
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2021
An automated cross‐validation method to assess seismic time‐to‐depth conversion accuracy: a case study on the Cooper and Eromanga basins, Australia
D Kulikowski, C Hochwald, K Amrouch
Geophysical Prospecting 66 (8), 1521-1534, 2018
Modern Structural Analysis of Subsurface Provinces: A Case Study on the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Australia
D Kulikowski
Australian School of Petroleum, the University of Adelaide (PhD), 2017
Insights Into the Tectonic Stress History and Regional 4-D Natural Fracture Distribution in the Australian Cooper Basin Using Etchecopar's Calcite Twin Stress Inversion …
D Kulikowski, K Amrouch, KH Al Barwani, W Liu, D Cooke
AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Victoria, Extended …, 2015
Bedrikovetsky, 2019: Composition changes of hydrocarbons during secondary petroleum migration (case study in Cooper Basin, Australia)
S Borazjani, D Kulikowski, K Amrouch
Geosciences 9 (2), 78, 0
Generating pseudo-capillary pressure curves from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data: a case study from the Cooper Basin, Australia
ME Gray, R Daniel, J Kaldi, D Kulikowski
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 68 (1), 83-98, 2021
Integrating Seismic Inversion in Static Models to Capture Geological Heterogeneity and Improve Exploration Outcomes
C Angheluta, M Slade, B Henderson, D Kulikowski
AEGC Conference, 1-4, 2019
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Articles 1–20