franck corset
franck corset
Associate Professor, Université Grenoble Alpes, LJK, UMR 5224
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Cited by
Designing a Bayesian network for preventive maintenance from expert opinions in a rapid and reliable way
G Celeux, F Corset, A Lannoy, B Ricard
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 91 (7), 849-856, 2006
An example of integrated approach to technical and economic optimization of maintenance
E Remy, F Corset, S Despréaux, L Doyen, O Gaudoin
Reliability engineering & system safety 116, 8-19, 2013
Aide à l'optimisation de maintenance à partir de réseaux bayésiens et fiabilité dans un contexte doublement censuré
F Corset
Université Joseph-Fourier-Grenoble I, 2003
Bayesian analysis of ARA imperfect repair models
F Corset, L Doyen, O Gaudoin
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 41 (21), 3915-3941, 2012
Continuum percolation in the relative neighborhood graph
JM Billiot, F Corset, E Fontenas
arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.5292, 2010
Using the eigenvalue relaxation for binary least-squares estimation problems
S Chrétien, F Corset
Signal processing 89 (11), 2079-2091, 2009
A holistic view of maritime navigation accidents and risk indicators: Examining IMO reports from 2011 to 2021
C Dominguez-Péry, R Tassabehji, F Corset, Z Chreim
Journal of Shipping and Trade 8 (1), 11, 2023
Imperfect condition-based maintenance for a gamma degradation process in presence of unknown parameters
F Corset, M Fouladirad, C Paroissin
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2023
MARS: a software tool for Maintenance Assessment of Repairable Systems
F Corset, S Despréaux, L Doyen, O Gaudoin
6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR, 2009
A lower bound on the expected optimal value of certain random linear programs and application to shortest paths in Directed Acyclic Graphs and reliability
S Chrétien, F Corset
Statistics & Probability Letters 117, 221-230, 2016
Analyse bayesienne d’un modele de maintenance imparfaite
F Corset, Y Dijoux, L Doyen, O Gaudoin, MA Garnero, S Lacombe, ...
congrès λµ 15, 2006
Introduction du Retour d'Expérience dans les Réseaux bayésiens
F Corset, G Celeux, A Lannoy
Qualita, 2003
Imperfect and worse than old maintenances for a gamma degradation process
F Corset, M Fouladirad, C Paroissin
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2024
Étude du plan d’échantillonnage de l’étude de caractérisation pour l'association CYCLAMED
C Bazzoli, F Corset
Université-Grenoble-Alpes, 2022
Maritime Navigation Accident & Risk Indicators: An Exploratory Statistical Analysis Using IMO Reports (2011-2020)
C Dominguez, T Rana, F Corset, Z Chreim
World of Shipping Portugal An International Research Conference on Maritime …, 2022
Classifying and explaining defects with small data for the semiconductor industry
JF Boulanger, F Corset, F Iutzeler, J Lelong
MathematicS In Action 11 (1), 109-114, 2022
A parametric lifetime model for a multicomponents system with spatial interactions
F Corset, M Fouladirad, C Paroissin, E Remy
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 35 (2), 221-233, 2019
Serveur Shiny de l’Université Grenoble Alpes
F Corset
Colloque Francophone International sur l’Enseignement de la Statistique, 2017
Bayesian analysis of ARA imperfect maintenance models with corrective and planned preventive maintenance
O Gaudoin, F Corset, L Doyen
ISI 2015-60th ISI World Statistics Congress, 2015
Exploring the Consistency of Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Imperfect Repair ARA_1 Models Computed from a Single Trajectory
F Corset, N Bousquet
Mathematical Methods in Reliability 2015, 2015
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Articles 1–20