Eva Álvarez
Eva Álvarez
Instituto Español de Oceanografía - CSIC
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Cited by
Routine determination of plankton community composition and size structure: a comparison between FlowCAM and light microscopy
E Álvarez, M Moyano, Á López-Urrutia, E Nogueira, R Scharek
Journal of plankton research 36 (1), 170-184, 2014
How to effectively sample the plankton size spectrum? A case study using FlowCAM
E Álvarez, Á López-Urrutia, E Nogueira, S Fraga
Journal of Plankton Research 33 (7), 1119-1133, 2011
Improvement of plankton biovolume estimates derived from image-based automatic sampling devices: application to FlowCAM
E Alvarez, A Lopez-Urrutia, E Nogueira
Journal of Plankton Research 34 (6), 454-469, 2012
Validation methods for plankton image classification systems
P González, E Álvarez, J Díez, Á López‐Urrutia, JJ del Coz
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15 (3), 221-237, 2017
In Vivo Single-Cell Fluorescence and Size Scaling of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Content
E Álvarez, E Nogueira, Á López-Urrutia
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83 (7), e03317-16, 2017
Multiclass support vector machines with example-dependent costs applied to plankton biomass estimation
P González, E Alvarez, J Barranquero, J Díez, R González-Quirós, ...
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 24 (11), 1901-1905, 2013
Short-term dynamics of late-winter phytoplankton blooms in a temperate ecosystem (Central Cantabrian Sea, Southern Bay of Biscay)
E Álvarez, E Nogueira, JL Acuña, M López-Álvarez, JA Sostres
Journal of Plankton Research 31 (6), 601-617, 2009
Phytoplankton diversity emerging from chromatic adaptation and competition for light
E Álvarez, P Lazzari, G Cossarini
Progress in Oceanography 204, 102789, 2022
Chlorophyll to carbon ratio derived from a global ecosystem model with photodamage
E Álvarez, S Thoms, C Völker
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 (5), 799-816, 2018
The Mediterranean Forecasting System–Part 1: Evolution and performance
G Coppini, E Clementi, G Cossarini, S Salon, G Korres, M Ravdas, ...
Ocean Science 19 (5), 1483-1516, 2023
CDOM spatiotemporal variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a modelling study
P Lazzari, E Álvarez, E Terzić, G Cossarini, I Chernov, F D’Ortenzio, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (2), 176, 2021
Size-dependent photoacclimation of the phytoplankton community in temperate shelf waters (southern Bay of Biscay)
E Álvarez, XAG Morán, Á López-Urrutia, E Nogueira
Marine Ecology Progress Series 543, 73-87, 2016
Modeling photoprotection at global scale: The relative role of nonphotosynthetic pigments, physiological state, and species composition
E Álvarez, S Thoms, A Bracher, Y Liu, C Völker
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33 (7), 904-926, 2019
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter dynamics revealed through the optimization of an optical–biogeochemical model in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
E Álvarez, G Cossarini, A Teruzzi, J Bruggeman, K Bolding, S Ciavatta, ...
Biogeosciences 20 (22), 4591-4624, 2023
Phytoplankton Light Absorption Impacted by Photoprotective Carotenoids in a Global Ocean Spectrally-resolved Biogeochemistry Model
E Álvarez, SN Losa, A Bracher, S Thoms, C Völker
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, e2022MS003126, 2022
Routine determination of plankton community composition and size structure: A comparison between FlowCAM and light microscopy
E Álvarez, M Moyano, A López-Urrutia, E Nogueira, R & Scharek
Journal of Plankton Research 36, 170-184, 0
Predicción taxonómica de muestras de microplancton usando técnicas de Aprendizaje Automático
P González, J Díez Peláez, JJ Coz Velasco
V Simposio de Teorıa y Aplicaciones de Minerıa de Datos (TAMIDA 2010), 2010
Accumulation of northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) in a convergence zone at the Cap Breton Canyon (southern Bay of Biscay)
E Nogueira, JM Batleb, J Cabal, G González-Nuevo, R Revilla-Álvarez, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, 2008
Mediterranean Quality checked BGC-Argo 2013-2022 dataset
C Amadio, A Teruzzi, L Feudale, G Bolzon, V Di Biagio, P Lazzari, ...
Simulating bio-optical properties in the Mediterranean Sea.
P Lazzari, E Alvarez, E Terzic, S Salon, E Organelli, F D'Ortenzio, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10281, 2020
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Articles 1–20