Paola Bacigaluppi
Paola Bacigaluppi
Politecnico di Milano - Department of Aerospace Science and Technology
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High-order residual distribution scheme for the time-dependent Euler equations of fluid dynamics
R Abgrall, P Bacigaluppi, S Tokareva
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78 (2), 274-297, 2019
A high-order nonconservative approach for hyperbolic equations in fluid dynamics
R Abgrall, P Bacigaluppi, S Tokareva
Computers & Fluids 169, 10-22, 2018
Implementation and evaluation of breaking detection criteria for a hybrid boussinesq model
P Bacigaluppi, M Ricchiuto, P Bonneton
Water waves 2 (2), 207-241, 2020
“A posteriori” limited high order and robust schemes for transient simulations of fluid flows in gas dynamics
P Bacigaluppi, R Abgrall, S Tokareva
Journal of Computational Physics 476, 111898, 2023
A 1D stabilized finite element model for non-hydrostatic wave breaking and run-up
P Bacigaluppi, M Ricchiuto, P Bonneton
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Elliptic, Parabolic and …, 2014
How to avoid mass matrix for linear hyperbolic problems
R Abgrall, P Bacigaluppi, S Tokareva
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2015, 75-86, 2016
A simplified classification of the relative tsunami potential in Swiss perialpine lakes caused by subaqueous and subaerial mass-movements
M Strupler, FM Evers, K Kremer, C Cauzzi, P Bacigaluppi, DF Vetsch, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 564783, 2020
System Manuals of BASEMENT, Version 3.0
D Vetsch, A Siviglia, P Bacigaluppi, M Bürgler, F Caponi, D Conde, ...
Labdratory of Hydraulics, Glaciology and Hydrology (VAW). ETH Zurich. Avail …, 2019
A Posteriori
P Bacigaluppi, R Abgrall, S Tokareva
Limited High Order and Robust Residual Distribution Schemes for Transient …, 2019
Shallow‐water tsunami deposits: Evidence from sediment cores and numerical wave propagation of the 1601 CE Lake Lucerne event
V Nigg, P Bacigaluppi, DF Vetsch, H Vogel, K Kremer, FS Anselmetti
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22 (12), e2021GC009753, 2021
Upwind stabilized finite element modelling of non hydrostatic wave breaking and run up
P Bacigaluppi
Politecnico di Milano, 2012
Assessment of a non-conservative four-equation multiphase system with phase transition
P Bacigaluppi, J Carlier, M Pelanti, PM Congedo, R Abgrall
Journal of Scientific Computing 90, 1-28, 2022
Design of a second-order fully explicit residual distribution scheme for compressible multiphase flows
R Abgrall, P Bacigaluppi
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII-Hyperbolic, Elliptic and …, 2017
On the simulation of multicomponent and multiphase compressible flows
R Abgrall, P Bacigaluppi, B Re
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.01630, 2020
Abschätzung der Gefährdung durch Tsunamis in perialpinen Seen infolge Unterwasserhangrutschungen
M Strupler, P Bacigaluppi, K Kremer, D Vetsch, F Anselmetti, R Boes, ...
Wasser Energie Luft 112 (1), 11-16, 2020
Hybrid explicit residual distribution scheme for compressible multiphase flows
P Bacigaluppi, R Abgrall, T Kaman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 821 (1), 012007, 2017
High performance computing in river modelling: A novel two-dimensional software for river hydro-and morphodynamic simulations
DF Vetsch, D Vanzo, M Bürgler, P Bacigaluppi, D Conde, RM Boes, ...
River Flow 2020, 1401-1408, 2020
High order fully explicit residual distribution approximation for conservative and non-conservative systems in fluid dynamics
P Bacigaluppi
University of Zurich, 2019
A 3rd/2nd order MOOD limited scheme for the shallow water equations
S Hörnschemeyer, P Bacigaluppi, S Noelle, G Chen
PAMM 23 (1), e202200252, 2023
Introduction to the special issue on numerical methods and applications for waves in coastal environments
P Bacigaluppi, M Kazolea
Water Waves 4 (3), 307-311, 2022
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