Lars Stoumann Jensen
Lars Stoumann Jensen
Professor of Soil Fertility and Waste Resource Recycling, University of Copenhagen
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Cited by
A comparison of the performance of nine soil organic matter models using datasets from seven long-term experiments
P Smith, JU Smith, DS Powlson, WB McGill, JRM Arah, OG Chertov, ...
Geoderma 81 (1-2), 153-225, 1997
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science
J Huang, G Zeng, X Li, X Cheng, H Tong
IOP publishing, 1995
Catch crops and green manures as biological tools in nitrogen management in temperate zones.
K Thorup-Kristensen, J Magid, LS Jensen
Whiteness and postcolonialism in the Nordic region: Exceptionalism, migrant others and national identities
K Loftsdóttir, L Jensen
Routledge, 2016
Gross nitrogen fluxes in soil: theory, measurement and application of^ 1^ 5n pool dilution techniques
DV Murphy, S Recous, EA Stockdale, IRP Fillery, LS Jensen, DJ Hatch, ...
Advances in Agronomy 79 (69), e118, 2003
Influence of biochemical quality on C and N mineralisation from a broad variety of plant materials in soil
LS Jensen, T Salo, F Palmason, TA Breland, TM Henriksen, B Stenberg, ...
Plant and Soil 273, 307-326, 2005
Potential of aeration flow rate and bio-char addition to reduce greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions during manure composting
MA Chowdhury, A de Neergaard, LS Jensen
Chemosphere 97, 16-25, 2014
Soil surface CO2 flux as an index of soil respiration in situ: a comparison of two chamber methods
LS Jensen, T Mueller, KR Tate, DJ Ross, J Magid, NE Nielsen
Soil biology and biochemistry 28 (10-11), 1297-1306, 1996
Policies for agricultural nitrogen management—trends, challenges and prospects for improved efficiency in Denmark
T Dalgaard, B Hansen, B Hasler, O Hertel, NJ Hutchings, BH Jacobsen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 9 (11), 115002, 2014
Carbon sequestration in soil beneath long-term Miscanthus plantations as determined by 13C abundance
EM Hansen, BT Christensen, LS Jensen, K Kristensen
Biomass and Bioenergy 26 (2), 97-105, 2004
Microbial mineralization and assimilation of black carbon: Dependency on degree of thermal alteration
S Bruun, ES Jensen, LS Jensen
Organic Geochemistry 39 (7), 839-845, 2008
Organic matter and water management strategies to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice paddies in Vietnam
A Pandey, DQ Vu, TPL Bui, TLA Mai, LS Jensen, A de Neergaard
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 196, 137-146, 2014
Animal manure recycling: Treatment and management
SG Sommer, ML Christensen, T Schmidt, LS Jensen
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Temporal variation of C and N mineralization, microbial biomass and extractable organic pools in soil after oilseed rape straw incorporation in the field
LS Jensen, T Mueller, J Magid, NE Nielsen
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (7), 1043-1055, 1997
Modeling carbon and nitrogen dynamics for soil management
MJ Shaffer, L Ma, S Hansen
Lewis Publishers, 2001
Farmer perceptions and use of organic waste products as fertilisers–A survey study of potential benefits and barriers
SDC Case, M Oelofse, Y Hou, O Oenema, LS Jensen
Agricultural Systems 151, 84-95, 2017
Long-term fertilisation form, level and duration affect the diversity, structure and functioning of soil microbial communities in the field
F van der Bom, I Nunes, NS Raymond, V Hansen, L Bonnichsen, J Magid, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 122, 91-103, 2018
Turnover of carbon and nitrogen in a sandy loam soil following incorporation of chopped maize plants, barley straw and blue grass in the field
T Mueller, LS Jensen, NE Nielsen, J Magid
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30 (5), 561-571, 1998
The effect of straw and wood gasification biochar on carbon sequestration, selected soil fertility indicators and functional groups in soil: an incubation study
V Hansen, D Müller-Stöver, LJ Munkholm, C Peltre, H Hauggaard-Nielsen, ...
Geoderma 269, 99-107, 2016
Small-scale household biogas digesters: An option for global warming mitigation or a potential climate bomb?
S Bruun, LS Jensen, S Sommer
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 33, 736-741, 2014
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Articles 1–20