Suan Lee
Suan Lee
Assistant Professor, Ph.D, Semyung University
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Cited by
Biosignal sensors and deep learning-based speech recognition: A review
W Lee, JJ Seong, B Ozlu, BS Shim, A Marakhimov, S Lee
Sensors 21 (4), 1399, 2021
PatentNet: multi-label classification of patent documents using deep learning based language understanding
A Haghighian Roudsari, J Afshar, W Lee, S Lee
Scientometrics 127 (1), 207-231, 2022
Generative adversarial networks and their application to 3D face generation: A survey
M Toshpulatov, W Lee, S Lee
Image and vision computing 108, 104119, 2021
Human pose, hand and mesh estimation using deep learning: a survey
M Toshpulatov, W Lee, S Lee, A Haghighian Roudsari
The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (6), 7616-7654, 2022
A wide & deep learning sharing input data for regression analysis
M Kim, S Lee, J Kim
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp …, 2020
SAMSTAR: An automatic tool for generating star schemas from an entity-relationship diagram
IY Song, R Khare, Y An, S Lee, SP Kim, J Kim, YS Moon
Conceptual Modeling-ER 2008: 27th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2008
Talking human face generation: A survey
M Toshpulatov, W Lee, S Lee
Expert Systems with Applications 219, 119678, 2023
Robot bionic vision technologies: A review
H Zhang, S Lee
Applied Sciences 12 (16), 7970, 2022
MRDataCube: Data cube computation using MapReduce
S Lee, S Jo, J Kim
2015 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 95-102, 2015
Efficient distributed parallel top-down computation of ROLAP data cube using mapreduce
S Lee, J Kim, YS Moon, W Lee
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 14th International Conference …, 2012
Patent prior art search using deep learning language model
DM Kang, CC Lee, S Lee, W Lee
Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on International Database Engineering …, 2020
Comparison and analysis of embedding methods for patent documents
AH Roudsari, J Afshar, S Lee, W Lee
2021 IEEE international conference on big data and smart computing (BigComp …, 2021
Photo cube: an automatic management and search for photos using mobile smartphones
J Kim, S Lee, JS Won, YS Moon
2011 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure …, 2011
Research issues on generative adversarial networks and applications
T Mukhiddin, WK Lee, S Lee, T Rashid
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp …, 2020
Distributed graph cube generation using Spark framework
S Kang, S Lee, J Kim
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (10), 8118-8139, 2020
A multi-dimensional analysis and data cube for unstructured text and social media
S Lee, N Kim, J Kim
2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing …, 2014
Financial anti-fraud based on dual-channel graph attention network
S Wei, S Lee
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 19 (1), 297-314, 2024
Scalable distributed data cube computation for large-scale multidimensional data analysis on a Spark cluster
S Lee, S Kang, J Kim, EJ Yu
Cluster Computing 22, 2063-2087, 2019
파이썬으로 텍스트 분석하기
윤태일, 이수안
서울: 늘봄, 2018
Robust and lightweight deep learning model for industrial fault diagnosis in low-quality and noisy data
J Shin, S Lee
Electronics 12 (2), 409, 2023
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Articles 1–20