Chris Blackman
Chris Blackman
Post-doctorate Researcher, CoE for Plant Success, University of Tasmania
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TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz
Global change biology 26, 119-188, 2020
Leaf hydraulic vulnerability is related to conduit dimensions and drought resistance across a diverse range of woody angiosperms
CJ Blackman, TJ Brodribb, GJ Jordan
New Phytologist 188 (4), 1113-1123, 2010
On the minimum leaf conductance: its role in models of plant water use, and ecological and environmental controls
RA Duursma, CJ Blackman, R Lopéz, NK Martin‐StPaul, H Cochard, ...
New Phytologist 221 (2), 693-705, 2019
Trees tolerate an extreme heatwave via sustained transpirational cooling and increased leaf thermal tolerance
JE Drake, MG Tjoelker, A Vĺrhammar, BE Medlyn, PB Reich, A Leigh, ...
Global change biology 24 (6), 2390-2402, 2018
Leaf hydraulics and drought stress: response, recovery and survivorship in four woody temperate plant species
CJ Blackman, TJ Brodribb, GJ Jordan
Plant, Cell & Environment 32 (11), 1584-1595, 2009
Tree hydraulic traits are coordinated and strongly linked to climate‐of‐origin across a rainfall gradient
X Li, CJ Blackman, B Choat, RA Duursma, PD Rymer, BE Medlyn, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (3), 646-660, 2018
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
D Falster, R Gallagher, EH Wenk, IJ Wright, D Indiarto, SC Andrew, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 254, 2021
Drought response strategies and hydraulic traits contribute to mechanistic understanding of plant dry-down to hydraulic failure
CJ Blackman, D Creek, C Maier, MJ Aspinwall, JE Drake, S Pfautsch, ...
Tree Physiology 39 (6), 910-924, 2019
Leaf hydraulic vulnerability influences species’ bioclimatic limits in a diverse group of woody angiosperms
CJ Blackman, TJ Brodribb, GJ Jordan
Oecologia 168, 1-10, 2012
Two measures of leaf capacitance: insights into the water transport pathway and hydraulic conductance in leaves
CJ Blackman, TJ Brodribb
Functional Plant Biology 38 (2), 118-126, 2011
Identifying areas at risk of drought‐induced tree mortality across South‐Eastern Australia
MG De Kauwe, BE Medlyn, AM Ukkola, M Mu, MEB Sabot, AJ Pitman, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (10), 5716-5733, 2020
Toward an index of desiccation time to tree mortality under drought
CJ Blackman, S Pfautsch, B Choat, S Delzon, SM Gleason, RA Duursma
Plant, Cell & Environment 39 (10), 2342-2345, 2016
Coordination between leaf, stem, and root hydraulics and gas exchange in three arid‐zone angiosperms during severe drought and recovery
D Creek, CJ Blackman, TJ Brodribb, B Choat, DT Tissue
Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (12), 2869-2881, 2018
Linking forest flammability and plant vulnerability to drought
RH Nolan, CJ Blackman, VR de Dios, B Choat, BE Medlyn, X Li, ...
Forests 11 (7), 779, 2020
An ecoclimatic framework for evaluating the resilience of vegetation to water deficit
PJ Mitchell, AP O'Grady, EA Pinkard, TJ Brodribb, SK Arndt, CJ Blackman, ...
Global Change Biology 22 (5), 1677-1689, 2016
More than iso/anisohydry: hydroscapes integrate plant water use and drought tolerance traits in 10 eucalypt species from contrasting climates
X Li, CJ Blackman, JMR Peters, B Choat, PD Rymer, BE Medlyn, ...
Functional Ecology 33 (6), 1035-1049, 2019
Desiccation time during drought is highly predictable across species of Eucalyptus from contrasting climates
CJ Blackman, X Li, B Choat, PD Rymer, MG De Kauwe, RA Duursma, ...
New Phytologist 224 (2), 632-643, 2019
Leaf hydraulic vulnerability to drought is linked to site water availability across a broad range of species and climates
CJ Blackman, SM Gleason, Y Chang, AM Cook, C Laws, M Westoby
Annals of botany 114 (3), 435-440, 2014
Genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity contribute to greater leaf hydraulic tolerance in response to drought in warmer climates
CJ Blackman, MJ Aspinwall, DT Tissue, PD Rymer
Tree Physiology 37 (5), 583-592, 2017
Vessel scaling in evergreen angiosperm leaves conforms with Murray's law and area‐filling assumptions: implications for plant size, leaf size and cold tolerance
SM Gleason, CJ Blackman, ST Gleason, KA McCulloh, TW Ocheltree, ...
New Phytologist 218 (4), 1360-1370, 2018
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Articles 1–20