Emilio Moran
Emilio Moran
Professor Geography, Michigan State University and Indiana University
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Cited by
The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths
EF Lambin, BL Turner, HJ Geist, SB Agbola, A Angelsen, JW Bruce, ...
Global environmental change 11 (4), 261-269, 2001
Change detection techniques
D Lu, P Mausel, E Brondizio, E Moran
International journal of remote sensing 25 (12), 2365-2401, 2004
Complexity of coupled human and natural systems
J Liu, T Dietz, SR Carpenter, M Alberti, C Folke, E Moran, AN Pell, ...
science 317 (5844), 1513-1516, 2007
Forest transitions: towards a global understanding of land use change
TK Rudel, OT Coomes, E Moran, F Achard, A Angelsen, J Xu, E Lambin
Global environmental change 15 (1), 23-31, 2005
Framing sustainability in a telecoupled world
J Liu, V Hull, M Batistella, R DeFries, T Dietz, F Fu, TW Hertel, ...
Ecology and Society 18 (2), 2013
Human adaptability: An introduction to ecological anthropology
EF Moran
Routledge, 2022
Developing the Amazon.
EF Moran
A survey of remote sensing-based aboveground biomass estimation methods in forest ecosystems
D Lu, Q Chen, G Wang, L Liu, G Li, E Moran
International Journal of Digital Earth 9 (1), 63-105, 2016
A ecologia humana das populações da Amazônia
EF Morán
(No Title), 1990
Sustainable hydropower in the 21st century
EF Moran, MC Lopez, N Moore, N Müller, DW Hyndman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (47), 11891-11898, 2018
People and pixels: Linking remote sensing and social science
National Research Council, Board on Environmental Change, ...
National Academies Press, 1998
Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees
TR Feldpausch, L Banin, OL Phillips, TR Baker, SL Lewis, CA Quesada, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (5), 1081-1106, 2011
Integrating Amazonian vegetation, land-use, and satellite data
EF Moran, E Brondizio, P Mausel, Y Wu
BioScience 44 (5), 329-338, 1994
Relationships between forest stand parameters and Landsat TM spectral responses in the Brazilian Amazon Basin
D Lu, P Mausel, E Brondı́zio, E Moran
Forest ecology and management 198 (1-3), 149-167, 2004
Deforestation and cattle ranching in the Brazilian Amazon: external capital and household processes
R Walker, E Moran, L Anselin
World development 28 (4), 683-699, 2000
Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat TM data applicable to Amazon basin LBA research
D Lu, P Mausel, E Brondizio, E Moran
International journal of remote sensing 23 (13), 2651-2671, 2002
Effects of soil fertility and land-use on forest succession in Amazonia
EF Moran, ES Brondizio, JM Tucker, MC da Silva-Forsberg, S McCracken, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 139 (1-3), 93-108, 2000
Deforestation and land use in the Brazilian Amazon
EF Moran
Human Ecology 21, 1-21, 1993
People and nature: An introduction to human ecological relations
EF Moran
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Linear mixture model applied to Amazonian vegetation classification
D Lu, E Moran, M Batistella
Remote sensing of environment 87 (4), 456-469, 2003
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Articles 1–20