Nick Paretti
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Cited by
Sampling trace organic compounds in water: A comparison of a continuous active sampler to continuous passive and discrete sampling methods
AL Coes, NV Paretti, WT Foreman, JL Iverson, DA Alvarez
Science of the total environment 473, 731-741, 2014
Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in Arizona, developed with unregulated and rural peak-flow data through water year 2010
NV Paretti, JR Kennedy, LA Turney, AG Veilleux
Scientific Investigations Report, 2014
Rapid estimation of recharge potential in ephemeral-stream channels using electromagnetic methods, and measurements of channel and vegetation characteristics
JB Callegary, JM Leenhouts, NV Paretti, CA Jones
Journal of Hydrology 344 (1-2), 17-31, 2007
Hydrological conditions and evaluation of sustainable groundwater use in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed, Upper San Pedro Basin, southeastern Arizona
B Gungle, JB Callegary, NV Paretti, JR Kennedy, CJ Eastoe, DS Turner, ...
Scientific Investigations Report, 2016
Geochemistry and hydrology of perched groundwater springs: assessing elevated uranium concentrations at Pigeon Spring relative to nearby Pigeon Mine, Arizona (USA)
KR Beisner, NV Paretti, FD Tillman, DL Naftz, DJ Bills, K Walton-Day, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 25 (2), 539, 2017
Evaluation of the expected moments algorithm and a multiple low-outlier test for flood frequency analysis at streamgaging stations in Arizona
NV Paretti, JR Kennedy, TA Cohn
Scientific Investigations Report, 2014
Analysis of stable isotope ratios (δ18O and δ2H) in precipitation of the Verde River watershed, Arizona 2003 through 2014
KR Beisner, NV Paretti, RS Tucci
Open-File Report, 2016
Utilizing anthropogenic compounds and geochemical tracers to identify preferential structurally controlled groundwater pathways influencing springs in Grand Canyon National …
KR Beisner, NV Paretti, JR Jasmann, LB Barber
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 48, 101461, 2023
Assessment of metal and trace ele-ment contamination in water, sediment, plants, macroinvertebrates, and fish in Tavasci Marsh, Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona. Report 2014 …
KR Beisner, NV Paretti, AMD Brasher, CC Fuller, MP Miller
US Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations, 2014
Changes in reproductive biomarkers in an endangered fish species (bonytail chub, Gila elegans) exposed to low levels of organic wastewater compounds in a controlled experiment
DB Walker, NV Paretti, G Cordy, TS Gross, SD Zaugg, ET Furlong, ...
Aquatic toxicology 95 (2), 133-143, 2009
Preliminary synthesis and assessment of environmental flows in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Arizona
NV Paretti, AMD Brasher, SL Pearlstein, DM Skow, B Gungle, BD Garner
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, 2017
Methods for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of 1-, 3-, 7-, 15-, and 30-day flood-duration flows in Arizona
JR Kennedy, NV Paretti, AG Veilleux
Scientific Investigations Report, 2014
Spatial and temporal distribution of bacterial indicators and microbial-source tracking within Tumacácori National Historical Park and the upper Santa Cruz River, southern …
NV Paretti, CM Kephart, TJ Porter, E Hermosillo, JR Cederberg, JP Mayo, ...
Scientific Investigations Report, 2019
Evaluation of the magnitude and frequency of floods in urban watersheds in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona
JR Kennedy, NV Paretti
Scientific Investigations Report, 2014
The occurrence of trace elements in bed sediment collected from areas of varying land use and potential effects on stream macroinvertebrates in the conterminous western United …
AP Paul, NV Paretti, DE MacCoy, AMD Brasher
Scientific Investigations Report, 2012
Anthropogenic compounds associated with groundwater near an abandoned copper and uranium mine, Grand Canyon, AZ, USA
K Beisner, NV Paretti, JR Jasmann, LB Barber
2022 Goldschmidt Conference, 2022
Occurrence, fate, and transport of aerially applied herbicides to control invasive buffelgrass within Saguaro National Park Rincon Mountain District, Arizona, 2015–18
NV Paretti, KR Beisner, B Gungle, MT Meyer, BK Kunz, E Hermosillo, ...
Scientific Investigations Report, 2021
Estimation of dissolved-solids concentrations using continuous water-quality monitoring and regression models at four sites in the Yuma area, Arizona and California, January …
JR Cederberg, NV Paretti, AL Coes, E Hermosillo, L Andrade
Scientific Investigations Report, 2021
Preliminary synthesis and assessment of environmental flows in the middle Verde River watershed, Arizona
NV Paretti, AMD Brasher, SL Pearlstein, DM Skow, B Gungle, BD Garner
Scientific Investigations Report, 2018
Collection methods and quality assessment for Escherichia coli, water quality, and microbial source tracking data within Tumacácori National Historical Park and the upper Santa …
NV Paretti, AL Coes, CM Kephart, JP Mayo
Scientific Investigations Report, 2018
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Articles 1–20