Muhammad Ali Gulzar
Muhammad Ali Gulzar
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
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Cited by
Cited by
Titian: Data provenance support in Spark
M Interlandi, K Shah, SD Tetali, MA Gulzar, S Yoo, M Kim, T Millstein, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9 (3), 216-227, 2015
LogLens: A real-time log analysis system
B Debnath, M Solaimani, MAG Gulzar, N Arora, C Lumezanu, J Xu, ...
2018 IEEE 38th international conference on distributed computing systems …, 2018
Bigdebug: Debugging primitives for interactive big data processing in spark
MA Gulzar, M Interlandi, S Yoo, SD Tetali, T Condie, T Millstein, M Kim
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
Is Neuron Coverage a Meaningful Measure for Testing Deep Neural Networks?
F Harel-Canada, L Wang, MA Gulzar, Q Gu, M Kim
Bigfuzz: Efficient fuzz testing for data analytics using framework abstraction
Q Zhang, J Wang, MA Gulzar, R Padhye, M Kim
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM international conference on automated …, 2020
Systems and Methods with a Realtime Log Analysis Framework
B Debnath, N Arora, H Zhang, G Jiang, M Solaimani, MA Gulzar
US Patent App. 15/784,393, 2018
Perception and practices of differential testing
MA Gulzar, Y Zhu, X Han
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2019
Adding data provenance support to apache spark
M Interlandi, A Ekmekji, K Shah, MA Gulzar, SD Tetali, M Kim, T Millstein, ...
The VLDB Journal 27, 595-615, 2018
Automated debugging in data-intensive scalable computing
MA Gulzar, M Interlandi, X Han, M Li, T Condie, M Kim
Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing, 520-534, 2017
White-box testing of big data analytics with complex user-defined functions
MA Gulzar, S Mardani, M Musuvathi, M Kim
Proceedings of the 2019 27th acm joint meeting on european software …, 2019
Bigsift: automated debugging of big data analytics in data-intensive scalable computing
MA Gulzar, S Wang, M Kim
Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2018
HeteroRefactor: Refactoring for heterogeneous computing with FPGA
J Lau, A Sivaraman, Q Zhang, MA Gulzar, J Cong, M Kim
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
Optimizing interactive development of data-intensive applications
M Interlandi, SD Tetali, MA Gulzar, J Noor, T Condie, M Kim, T Millstein
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 510-522, 2016
Bigdebug: Interactive debugger for big data analytics in apache spark
MA Gulzar, M Interlandi, T Condie, M Kim
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on …, 2016
Perfdebug: Performance debugging of computation skew in dataflow systems
J Teoh, MA Gulzar, GH Xu, M Kim
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 465-476, 2019
Debugging Big Data Analytics in Spark with BigDebug
MA Gulzar, M Interlandi, T Condie, M Kim
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM international conference on management of data …, 2017
Influence-based provenance for dataflow applications with taint propagation
J Teoh, MA Gulzar, M Kim
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 372-386, 2020
Perception and practices of differential testing. In 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP)
MA Gulzar, Y Zhu, X Han
IEEE 1, 71-80, 2019
A characterization study of merge conflicts in Java projects
B Shen, MA Gulzar, F He, N Meng
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 32 (2), 1-28, 2023
Blocking javascript without breaking the web: An empirical investigation
AH Amjad, Z Shafiq, MA Gulzar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01182, 2023
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Articles 1–20