Filiz B Dilek
Filiz B Dilek
Çevre Mühendisliği Profesörü, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
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Use of Fenton oxidation to improve the biodegradability of a pharmaceutical wastewater
H Tekin, O Bilkay, SS Ataberk, TH Balta, IH Ceribasi, FD Sanin, FB Dilek, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 136 (2), 258-265, 2006
Importance of H2O2/Fe2+ ratio in Fenton's treatment of a carpet dyeing wastewater
I Gulkaya, GA Surucu, FB Dilek
Journal of Hazardous Materials 136 (3), 763-769, 2006
Treatment of tectilon yellow 2G by Chlorella vulgaris
E Acuner, FB Dilek
Process Biochemistry 39 (5), 623-631, 2004
Effectiveness of algae in the treatment of a wood-based pulp and paper industry wastewater
E Tarlan, FB Dilek, U Yetis
Bioresource technology 84 (1), 1-5, 2002
The environmental impacts of iron and steel industry: a life cycle assessment study
GM Olmez, FB Dilek, T Karanfil, U Yetis
Journal of Cleaner Production 130, 195-201, 2016
The removal of Pb (II) by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
U Yetis, A Dolek, FB Dilek, G Ozcengiz
Water research 34 (16), 4090-4100, 2000
Biological treatment and nanofiltration of denim textile wastewater for reuse
E Sahinkaya, N Uzal, U Yetis, FB Dilek
Journal of hazardous materials 153 (3), 1142-1148, 2008
Occurrence of disinfection by-products in low DOC surface waters in Turkey
N Ates, SS Kaplan, E Sahinkaya, M Kitis, FB Dilek, U Yetis
Journal of hazardous materials 142 (1-2), 526-534, 2007
Trihalomethanes and associated potential cancer risks in the water supply in Ankara, Turkey
B Tokmak, G Capar, FB Dilek, U Yetis
Environmental Research 96 (3), 345-352, 2004
Heavy metal biosorption by white-rot fungi
Ü Yetis, G Özcengiz, FB Dilek, N Ergen, A Erbay, A Dölek
Water Science and Technology 38 (4-5), 323-330, 1998
A chemical substitution study for a wet processing textile mill in Turkey
E Ozturk, U Yetis, FB Dilek, GN Demirer
Journal of Cleaner Production 17 (2), 239-247, 2009
Adoption of European Union's IPPC Directive to a textile mill: Analysis of water and energy consumption
AM Kocabas, H Yukseler, FB Dilek, U Yetis
Journal of environmental management 91 (1), 102-113, 2009
Biodegradation of 4-chlorophenol by acclimated and unacclimated activated sludge—evaluation of biokinetic coefficients
E Sahinkaya, FB Dilek
Environmental Research 99 (2), 243-252, 2005
Combined effects of Ni (II) and Cr (VI) on activated sludge
FB Dilek, CF Gokcay, U Yetis
Water Research 32 (2), 303-312, 1998
Analysis of the best available techniques for wastewaters from a denim manufacturing textile mill
H Yukseler, N Uzal, E Sahinkaya, M Kitis, FB Dilek, U Yetis
Journal of Environmental Management 203, 1118-1125, 2017
Ni (II) biosorption by Polyporous versicolor
FB Dilek, A Erbay, U Yetis
Process Biochemistry 37 (7), 723-726, 2002
Treatment of pulping effluents by using alum and clay-colour removal and sludge characteristics
FB Dilek, S Bese
Water SA 27 (3), 361-366, 2001
Colour and AOX removal from pulping effluents by algae
FB Dilek, HM Taplamacioglu, E Tarlan
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 52, 585-591, 1999
Microbial solubilization of lignites
CF Gokcay, N Kolankaya, FB Dilek
Fuel 80 (10), 1421-1433, 2001
Nutritional and cultural parameters influencing antidipteran delta-endotoxin production
M Özkan, FB Dilek, Ü Yetis, G Özcengiz
Research in Microbiology 154 (1), 49-53, 2003
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Articles 1–20