Elaine Louise Zanutto
Elaine Louise Zanutto
Naxion Research and Consulting
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Cracks in diversity research: The effects of diversity faultlines on conflict and performance
SMB Thatcher, KA Jehn, E Zanutto
Group decision and Negotiation 12, 217-241, 2003
Do workgroup faultlines help or hurt? A moderated model of faultlines, team identification, and group performance
K Bezrukova, KA Jehn, EL Zanutto, SMB Thatcher
Organization science 20 (1), 35-50, 2009
A potential outcomes view of value-added assessment in education
DB Rubin, EA Stuart, EL Zanutto
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 29 (1), 103-116, 2004
A comparison of propensity score and linear regression analysis of complex survey data
EL Zanutto
Journal of data Science 4 (1), 67-91, 2006
Matching with doses in an observational study of a media campaign against drug abuse
B Lu, E Zanutto, R Hornik, PR Rosenbaum
Journal of the American Statistical Association 96 (456), 1245-1253, 2001
Estimating causal effects of public health education campaigns using propensity score methodology
I Yanovitzky, E Zanutto, R Hornik
Evaluation and program planning 28 (2), 209-220, 2005
Using propensity score subclassification for multiple treatment doses to evaluate a national antidrug media campaign
E Zanutto, B Lu, R Hornik
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 30 (1), 59-73, 2005
A comparison of experimental and observational data analyses
JL Hill, JP Reiter, EL Zanutto
Applied Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference from Incomplete‐Data …, 2004
Revisiting faultline conceptualization: Measuring faultline strength and distance
EL Zanutto, K Bezrukova, KA Jehn
Quality & Quantity 45, 701-714, 2011
Effects of advanced course-taking on math and science achievement: Addressing selection bias using propensity scores
C Leow, S Marcus, E Zanutto, R Boruch
American Journal of Evaluation 25 (4), 461-478, 2004
Evaluation of the national youth anti-drug media campaign: Fourth semi-annual report of findings: Executive summary
R Hornik, D Maklan, D Cadell, A Prado, C Barmada, L Jacobsohn, ...
Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2002
Causal models for randomized physician encouragement trials in treating primary care depression
TR Ten Have, MR Elliott, M Joffe, E Zanutto, C Datto
Journal of the American Statistical Association 99 (465), 16-25, 2004
Data pruning in consumer choice models
EL Zanutto, ET Bradlow
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 4 (3), 267-287, 2006
Web & e-mail surveys
E Zanutto
Retrieved April 25, 2008, 2001
Using matched substitutes to adjust for nonignorable nonresponse through multiple imputations
DB Rubin, E Zanutto
Survey nonresponse, 389-402, 2002
Evaluation of the national youth anti-drug media campaign: Second semi-annual report of findings-april 2001
R Hornik, D Maklan, D Judkins, D Cadell, I Yanovitzky, P Zador, ...
Rockville, MD: Westat, 2001
Analytical modeling in complex surveys of work practices
JP Reiter, EL Zanutto, LW Hunter
ILR Review 59 (1), 82-100, 2005
Using administrative records to impute for nonresponse
E Zanutto, A Zaslavsky
Survey nonresponse, 403-416, 2002
Estimating causal effects in observational studies: The propensity score approach
I Yanovitzky, R Hornik, E Zanutto
The SAGE sourcebook of advanced data analysis methods for communication, 159-184, 2008
Using administrative records to improve small area estimation: An example from the US Decennial Census
E Zanutto, A Zaslavsky
Journal of Official Statistics 18 (4), 559, 2002
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Articles 1–20