Gabor Varga
Gabor Varga
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Asthenospheric structure beneath a Neogene basin in southeast Hungary
K Posgay, T Bodoky, E Hegedüs, S Kovácsvölgyi, L Lenkey, P Szafián, ...
Tectonophysics 252 (1-4), 467-484, 1995
Grain Boundary Phenomena in an Ultrafine‐Grained Al–Zn Alloy with Improved Mechanical Behavior for Micro‐Devices
NQ Chinh, RZ Valiev, X Sauvage, G Varga, K Havancsák, M Kawasaki, ...
Advanced engineering materials 16 (8), 1000-1009, 2014
Vibration testing of machines and their maintenance
G Lipovszky, K Sólyomvári, G Varga
(No Title), 1990
Additive effects of serotonergic and dopaminergic polymorphisms on trait impulsivity
G Varga, A Szekely, P Antal, P Sarkozy, Z Nemoda, Z Demetrovics, ...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 159 …, 2012
Plio-Pleistocene red clay deposits in the Pannonian basin: a review
J Kovács, SÁ Fábián, G Varga, G Újvári, G Varga, J Dezső
Quaternary International 240 (1-2), 35-43, 2011
International deep reflection survey along the Hungarian Geotraverse
K Posgay, E Takács, I Szalay, T Bodoky, E Hegedus, JI Kantor, Z Timár, ...
Geophysical Transactions 40 (1-2), 1-44, 1996
Mn (II)–amino acid complexes intercalated in CaAl-layered double hydroxide–Well-characterized, highly efficient, recyclable oxidation catalysts
G Varga, Á Kukovecz, Z Kónya, L Korecz, S Muráth, Z Csendes, G Peintler, ...
Journal of Catalysis 335, 125-134, 2016
Association between Novelty Seeking of opiate-dependent patients and the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism
Z Demetrovics, G Varga, A Szekely, A Vereczkei, J Csorba, H Balazs, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 51 (5), 510-515, 2010
Microsatellite markers for identification and parentage analysis in the European wild boar (Sus scrofa)
V Costa, J Pérez-González, P Santos, P Fernández-Llario, J Carranza, ...
BMC research notes 5, 1-6, 2012
Distribution of relict permafrost features in the P annonian B asin, H ungary
SÁ Fábián, J Kovács, G Varga, G Sipos, Z Horváth, E Thamó‐Bozsó, ...
Boreas 43 (3), 722-732, 2014
A relict sand‐wedge polygon site in north‐central Hungary
J Kovács, SÁ Fábián, F Schweitzer, G Varga
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 18 (4), 379-384, 2007
Mechanochemical synthesis and intercalation of Ca (II) Fe (III)-layered double hydroxides
Z Ferencz, M Szabados, G Varga, Z Csendes, Á Kukovecz, Z Kónya, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 233, 236-243, 2016
Observations of unique plastic behavior in micro-pillars of an ultrafine-grained alloy
NQ Chinh, T Győri, RZ Valiev, P Szommer, G Varga, K Havancsák, ...
MRS communications 2, 75-78, 2012
Comparison of permeability testing methods
L Nagy, A Tabácks, T Huszák, A Mahler, G Varga
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and …, 2013
Micron-Scale Deformation: A Coupled In Situ Study of Strain Bursts and Acoustic Emission
ÁI Hegyi, PD Ispánovity, M Knapek, D Tüzes, K Máthis, F Chmelík, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (6), 1076-1081, 2017
Loss computation method for litz cables with emphasis on bundle-level skin effect
S Gyimóthy, S Kaya, D Obara, M Shimada, M Masuda, S Bilicz, J Pávó, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 55 (6), 1-4, 2019
Gastroesophageal reflux disease and non-small cell lung cancer. Results of a pilot study
A Vereczkei, ÖP Horvath, G Varga, TF Molnar
Diseases of the Esophagus 21 (5), 457-460, 2008
Discovery of protein-protein interaction inhibitors by integrating protein engineering and chemical screening platforms
T Maculins, J Garcia-Pardo, A Skenderovic, J Gebel, M Putyrski, ...
Cell Chemical Biology 27 (11), 1441-1451. e7, 2020
Medieval gilding technology of historical metal threads revealed by electron optical and micro-Raman spectroscopic study of focused ion beam-milled cross sections
TG Weiszburg, K Gherdán, K Ratter, N Zajzon, Z Bendo, G Radnoczi, ...
Analytical chemistry 89 (20), 10753-10760, 2017
Cu (II)-amino acid–CaAl-layered double hydroxide complexes, recyclable, efficient catalysts in various oxidative transformations
G Varga, S Ziegenheim, S Muráth, Z Csendes, Á Kukovecz, Z Kónya, ...
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 423, 49-60, 2016
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Articles 1–20