Susana Garrido
Susana Garrido
IPMA - Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere
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Cited by
Annual zooplankton succession in coastal NW Mediterranean waters: the importance of the smaller size fractions
A Calbet, S Garrido, E Saiz, M Alcaraz, CM Duarte
Journal of Plankton research 23 (3), 319-331, 2001
Diet and feeding intensity of sardine Sardina pilchardus: correlation with satellite-derived chlorophyll data
S Garrido, R Ben-Hamadou, PB Oliveira, ME Cunha, MA Chícharo, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 354, 245-256, 2008
Born small, die young: Intrinsic, size-selective mortality in marine larval fish
S Garrido, R Ben-Hamadou, AMP Santos, S Ferreira, MA Teodósio, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17065, 2015
Laboratory investigations on the effect of prey size and concentration on the feeding behaviour of Sardina pilchardus
S Garrido, A Marçalo, J Zwolinski, CD Van der Lingen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 330, 189-199, 2007
Stable nitrogen isotope studies of the pelagic food web on the Atlantic shelf of the Iberian Peninsula
A Bode, MT Alvarez-Ossorio, ME Cunha, S Garrido, JB Peleteiro, ...
Progress in Oceanography 74 (2-3), 115-131, 2007
Trophic dynamics.
CD Van-der-Lingen, A Bertrand, A Bode, R Brodeur, L Cubillos, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de A Coruña, 2009
Microplastic ingestion and diet composition of planktivorous fish
C Lopes, J Raimundo, M Caetano, S Garrido
Limnology and Oceanography Letters 5 (1), 103-112, 2020
Small pelagic fish in the new millennium: a bottom-up view of global research effort
MA Peck, J Alheit, A Bertrand, IA Catalán, S Garrido, M Moyano, ...
Progress in Oceanography 191, 102494, 2021
Comparison of the feeding apparatus and diet of European sardines Sardina pilchardus of Atlantic and Mediterranean waters: ecological implications
D Costalago, S Garrido, I Palomera
Journal of Fish Biology 86 (4), 1348-1362, 2015
Diet of sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the northern Humboldt Current system and comparison with the diets of clupeoids in this and other eastern boundary upwelling systems
P Espinoza, A Bertrand, CD van der Lingen, S Garrido, BR de Mendiola
Progress in Oceanography 83 (1-4), 242-250, 2009
Trophic ecology of pelagic fish species off the Iberian coast: diet overlap, cannibalism and intraguild predation
S Garrido, A Silva, J Pastor, R Dominguez, AV Silva, AM Santos
Marine Ecology Progress Series 539, 271-285, 2015
Effect of maternal fat reserves on the fatty acid composition of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) oocytes
S Garrido, R Rosa, R Ben-Hamadou, ME Cunha, MA Chícharo, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2007
Domoic acid accumulation in the sardine Sardina pilchardus and its relationship to Pseudo-nitzschia diatom ingestion
PR Costa, S Garrido
Marine Ecology Progress Series 284, 261-268, 2004
Spatio-temporal variability in fatty acid trophic biomarkers in stomach contents and muscle of Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and its relationship with spawning
S Garrido, R Rosa, R Ben-Hamadou, ME Cunha, MA Chícharo, ...
Marine Biology 154, 1053-1065, 2008
Temperature and food-mediated variability of European Atlantic sardine recruitment
S Garrido, A Silva, V Marques, I Figueiredo, P Bryère, A Mangin, ...
Progress in Oceanography 159, 267-275, 2017
Ontogeny of swimming behaviour in sardine Sardina pilchardus larvae and effect of larval nutritional condition on critical speed
L Silva, AM Faria, MA Teodósio, S Garrido
Marine Ecology Progress Series 504, 287-300, 2014
Effect of temperature on the growth, survival, development and foraging behaviour of Sardina pilchardus larvae
S Garrido, A Cristóvão, C Caldeira, R Ben-Hamadou, N Baylina, H Batista, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 559, 131-145, 2016
Spatial distribution and vertical migrations of fish larvae communities off Northwestern Iberia sampled with LHPR and Bongo nets
S Garrido, AMP Santos, A dos Santos, P Ré
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 84 (4), 463-475, 2009
Feeding biology and ecology
S Garrido, CD van der Lingen
Biology and ecology of sardines and anchovies, 122-189, 2014
Adaptations to feast and famine in different strains of the marine heterotrophic dinoflagellates Gyrodinium dominans and Oxyrrhis marina
A Calbet, S Isari, RA Martínez, E Saiz, S Garrido, J Peters, RM Borrat, ...
Marine Ecology progress series 483, 67-84, 2013
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Articles 1–20