Marlen Perez Diaz
Marlen Perez Diaz
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Cited by
Current limitations to identify COVID-19 using artificial intelligence with chest X-ray imaging
JD López-Cabrera, R Orozco-Morales, JA Portal-Diaz, ...
Health and Technology 11 (2), 411-424, 2021
Classification of breast cancer from digital mammography using deep learning
JD López-Cabrera, LAL Rodríguez, M Pérez-Díaz
Inteligencia Artificial 23 (65), 56-66, 2020
Current limitations to identify covid-19 using artificial intelligence with chest x-ray imaging (part ii). The shortcut learning problem
JD López-Cabrera, R Orozco-Morales, JA Portal-Díaz, ...
Health and technology 11 (6), 1331-1345, 2021
Administered activity optimization in 99mTc-MAG3 renography for adults
MP Díaz, EE Aparicio, OD Rizo, RR Díaz, CH Rodríguez
Journal of nuclear medicine technology 31 (4), 216-221, 2003
Administered activity optimization in patients studied by equilibrium gated radionuclide ventriculography using pyrophosphate and technetium-99m
MP Diaz, JQ Garcia, FP Vicente, OD Rizo
Nuclear medicine communications 23 (4), 347-353, 2002
Administered activity optimization in renal scintigraphy with DMSA-99mTc
M Perez Diaz, O Diaz Rizo, R Dopico Hernandez, E Estéves Aparicio
Rev. med. nucl. Alasbimn j, 2003
Administered activity optimization in skeletal scanning using MDP labelled 99m-Tc
M Perez, J Quevedo, O Diaz-Rizo, R Dopico, A Estévez, A Viamonte
ALASBIMN J 16 (4), AJ16-5, 2002
Revisión crítica sobre la identificación de COVID-19 a partir de imágenes de rayos x de tórax usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial
JD López-Cabrera, JAP Díaz, RO Morales, MP Díaz
Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital 1 (3), 67-99, 2020
Impact of JPEG 2000 compression on lesion detection in MR imaging
J Paz, M Pérez, P Schelkens, J Rodríguez
Medical physics 36 (11), 4967-4976, 2009
Métodos de optimización de la actividad a administrar al paciente en estudios de Medicina Nuclear
M Pérez, O DÍAZ
Revista Española de Física Médica 7 (1), 32-36, 2006
Comparación de calidad de imagen en Mamografía de Contraste de Fase vs. Mamografía Digital
D Martínez Aguila, Y Ruiz González, M Pérez Díaz
Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas 11 (1), 91-105, 2017
Techniques to evaluate the quality of medical images
M Perez-Diaz
AIP Conference Proceedings 1626 (1), 39-45, 2014
Activity Optimization Method in SPECT: A comparison with ROC analysis
M Pérez, O Díaz-Rizo, A López
JZUS-B 7, 947-956, 2006
Metal artifact reduction by morphological image filtering for computed tomography
Y Rodríguez-Gallo, R Orozco-Morales, M Pérez-Díaz
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018: June 3-8 …, 2019
Objective measurements of image quality in synchrotron radiation phase-contrast imaging versus digital mammography
Y Ruiz-Gonzalez, M Perez-Diaz, D Martínez-Aguila, M Diaz-Barreto, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 11, 181-188, 2016
Development of healthcare applications using facilities and functions available in modern mobile devices
OC Ramírez, WQ Cutiño, MP Díaz, AT Crispi
Revista Científica de Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones 37 …, 2016
Fundamentos físicos de calidad de imagen en Medicina Nuclear. Métodos para su valoración
MP Díaz, OD Rizo
Alasbimn journal 9 (35), 1-15, 2007
Inteligencia artificial: una herramienta en la imagenología para los pacientes positivos a la COVID-19
OAL Enríquez, WJM Cabrera, MP Díaz
Edumecentro 13 (4), 274-287, 2021
Use of systems with deep learning and machine learning for the detection and classification of malignant vs. benign spinal fractures with MRI: can deep/machine learning help us …
M Perez-Diaz
European Radiology 33 (7), 5058-5059, 2023
Optimización de protocolo en tomografía computerizada pediátrica con control automático de exposición
R Miller-Clemente, M Pérez-Díaz, ML Guevara, OO Rodríguez, RN Haber, ...
Imagen Diagnóstica 5 (1), 10-16, 2014
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Articles 1–20