Prof. Dr. Roland Olschewski
Prof. Dr. Roland Olschewski
Environmental and Resource Economics, WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute
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Cited by
Economic evaluation of pollination services comparing coffee landscapes in Ecuador and Indonesia
R Olschewski, T Tscharntke, PC Benítez, S Schwarze, AM Klein
Ecology and Society 11 (1), 7, 2006
Optimizing joint production of timber and carbon sequestration of afforestation projects
R Olschewski, PC Benitez
Journal of Forest Economics 16 (1), 1-10, 2010
Secondary forests as temporary carbon sinks? The economic impact of accounting methods on reforestation projects in the tropics
R Olschewski, PC Benitez
Ecological Economics 55 (3), 380-394, 2005
Economic valuation of land restoration: The case of exclosures established on communal grazing lands in Tigray, Ethiopia
W Mekuria, E Veldkamp, M Tilahun, R Olschewski
Land Degradation & Development, 2010
Avalanche protection by forests—A choice experiment in the Swiss Alps
R Olschewski, P Bebi, M Teich, U Wissen Hayek, A Gręt-Regamey
Forest Policy and Economics, 2011
Bringing the neighbors in: A choice experiment on the influence of coordination and social norms on farmers’ willingness to accept agro-environmental schemes across Europe
S Villamayor-Tomas, J Sagebiel, R Olschewski
Land use policy 84, 200-215, 2019
Conservation payments under risk: a stochastic dominance approach
PC Benítez, T Kuosmanen, R Olschewski, GC van Kooten
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (1), 1-15, 2006
How to close the science-practice gap in nature conservation? Information sources used by practitioners
Y Fabian, K Bollmann, P Brang, C Heiri, R Olschewski, A Rigling, S Stofer, ...
Biological Conservation 235, 93-101, 2019
The contribution of non-managed social bees to coffee production: new economic insights based on farm-scale yield data
D Veddeler, R Olschewski, T Tscharntke, AM Klein
Agroforestry systems 73, 109-114, 2008
How attractive are forest carbon sinks? Economic insights into supply and demand of certified emission reductions
R Olschewski, PC Benitez, GHJ De Koning, T Schlichter
Journal of Forest Economics 11 (2), 77-94, 2005
Estimation and economic evaluation of aboveground carbon storage of Tectona grandis plantations in Western Panama
S Derwisch, L Schwendenmann, R Olschewski, D Hölscher
New Forests 37, 227-240, 2009
The valuation of forest ecosystem services as a tool for management planning–A choice experiment
A Müller, R Olschewski, C Unterberger, T Knoke
Journal of environmental management 271, 111008, 2020
Economic analysis of closing degraded Boswellia papyrifera dry forest from human interventions--A study from Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
M Tilahun, R Olschewski, C Kleinn, K Gebrehiwot
Forest Policy and Economics 9 (8), 996-1005, 2007
Economic trade-offs between carbon sequestration, timber production, and crop pollination in tropical forested landscapes
R Olschewski, AM Klein, T Tscharntke
Ecological Complexity 7 (3), 314-319, 2010
Forest ecosystem services in rural areas of Germany: Insights from the national TEEB study
M Bösch, P Elsasser, K Franz, M Lorenz, C Moning, R Olschewski, A Rödl, ...
Ecosystem Services 31, 77-83, 2018
V Bergen, W Loewenstein, R Olschewski
Vahlen, 2002
Types of collective action problems and farmers’ willingness to accept agri-environmental schemes in Switzerland
S Villamayor-Tomas, J Sagebiel, J Rommel, R Olschewski
Ecosystem Services 50, 101304, 2021
KULTURisk regional risk assessment methodology for water-related natural hazards–Part 2: Application to the Zurich case study
P Ronco, M Bullo, S Torresan, A Critto, R Olschewski, M Zappa, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (3), 1561-1576, 2015
The ecological and economic potential of carbon sequestration in forests: Examples from South America
F De Koning, R Olschewski, E Veldkamp, P Benítez, M López-Ulloa, ...
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 34 (3), 224-229, 2005
Forstökonomie: Volkswirtschaftliche Grundlagen
V Bergen, W Löwenstein, R Olschewski
Vahlen, 2002
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Articles 1–20