Akram Hakiri
Cited by
Cited by
Software-defined networking: Challenges and research opportunities for future internet
A Hakiri, A Gokhale, P Berthou, DC Schmidt, T Gayraud
Computer Networks 75, 453-471, 2014
Software defined networking and virtualization for broadband satellite networks
L Bertaux, S Medjiah, P Berthou, S Abdellatif, A Hakiri, P Gelard, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (3), 54-60, 2015
Publish/subscribe-enabled software defined networking for efficient and scalable IoT communications
A Hakiri, P Berthou, A Gokhale, S Abdellatif
IEEE communications magazine 53 (9), 48-54, 2015
Software defined mobile networks (SDMN): beyond LTE network architecture
M Liyanage, A Gurtov, M Ylianttila
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Leveraging sdn for the 5g networks: Trends, prospects, and challenges
A Hakiri, P Berthou
Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN) Beyond LTE Network Architecture, 61-80, 2015
Energy-aware task scheduling and offloading using deep reinforcement learning in SDN-enabled IoT network
B Sellami, A Hakiri, SB Yahia, P Berthou
Computer Networks 210, 108957, 2022
Deep Reinforcement Learning for energy-aware task offloading in join SDN-Blockchain 5G massive IoT edge network
B Sellami, A Hakiri, SB Yahia
Future Generation Computer Systems 137, 363-379, 2022
Supporting end-to-end quality of service properties in OMG data distribution service publish/subscribe middleware over wide area networks
A Hakiri, P Berthou, A Gokhale, DC Schmidt, T Gayraud
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (10), 2574-2593, 2013
Managing wireless fog networks using software-defined networking
A Hakiri, B Sellami, P Patil, P Berthou, A Gokhale
2017 ieee/acs 14th international conference on computer systems and …, 2017
SDNMesh: An SDN based routing architecture for wireless mesh networks
SSA Gilani, A Qayyum, RNB Rais, M Bano
IEEE Access 8, 136769-136781, 2020
Enabling software-defined networking for wireless mesh networks in smart environments
P Patil, A Hakiri, Y Barve, A Gokhale
2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2016
A Comprehensive Survey on Digital Twin for Future Networks and Emerging IoT Industry
A Hakiri, A Gokhale, S Ben Yahia, N Mellouli, 2024
Towards smart city innovation under the perspective of software-defined networking, artificial intelligence and big data
JSB Martins
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11665, 2018
A DDS/SDN based communication system for efficient support of dynamic distributed real-time applications
L Bertaux, A Hakiri, S Medjiah, P Berthou, S Abdellatif
2014 IEEE/ACM 18th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and …, 2014
Towards a blockchain-SDN architecture for secure and trustworthy 5G massive IoT networks
A Hakiri, B Dezfouli
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM international workshop on software defined …, 2021
Deep reinforcement learning for energy-efficient task scheduling in SDN-based IoT network
B Sellami, A Hakiri, SB Yahia, P Berthou
2020 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2020
Rethinking the Design of LR-WPAN IoT Systems with Software-Defined Networking.
A Hakiri, AS Gokhale
International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 2016
Data-centric publish/subscribe routing middleware for realizing proactive overlay software-defined networking
A Hakiri, A Gokhale
Proceedings of the 10th ACM international conference on distributed and …, 2016
Cyber foraging and offloading framework for internet of things
P Patil, A Hakiri, A Gokhale
2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2016
An autonomous and dynamic coordination and discovery service for wide-area peer-to-peer publish/subscribe: Experience paper
K An, S Khare, A Gokhale, A Hakiri
Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2017
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Articles 1–20