Adrian F Tuck
Adrian F Tuck
Visiting Professor, Physics,Imperial College London
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The halogen occultation experiment
JM Russell III, LL Gordley, JH Park, SR Drayson, WD Hesketh, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 98 (D6), 10777-10797, 1993
Atmospheric processing of organic aerosols
GB Ellison, AF Tuck, V Vaida
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D9), 11633-11641, 1999
Airborne lidar observations in the wintertime Arctic stratosphere: Polar stratospheric clouds
EV Browell, CF Butler, S Ismail, PA Robinette, AF Carter, NS Higdon, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 17 (4), 385-388, 1990
Atmospheric aerosols as prebiotic chemical reactors
CM Dobson, GB Ellison, AF Tuck, V Vaida
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (22), 11864-11868, 2000
Observations of denitrification and dehydration in the winter polar stratospheres
DW Fahey, KK Kelly, SR Kawa, AF Tuck, M Loewenstein, KR Chan, ...
Nature 344 (6264), 321-324, 1990
Hemispheric asymmetries in water vapor and inferences about transport in the lower stratosphere
KH Rosenlof, AF Tuck, KK Kelly, JM Russell III, MP McCormick
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D11), 13213-13234, 1997
New evidence of an organic layer on marine aerosols
H Tervahattu, K Hartonen, VM Kerminen, K Kupiainen, P Aarnio, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D7), AAC 1-1-AAC 1-8, 2002
Dehydration in the lower Antarctic stratosphere during late winter and early spring, 1987
KK Kelly, AF Tuck, DM Murphy, MH Proffitt, DW Fahey, RL Jones, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 94 (D9), 11317-11357, 1989
Validation of hydrogen chloride measurements made by the halogen occultation experiment from the UARS platform
JM Russell, LE Deaver, MZ Luo, JH Park, LL Gordley, AF Tuck, GC Toon, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 10151 - 10162, 1996
Validation of hydrogen chloride measurements made by the halogen occultation experiment from the UARS platform
JM Russell, LE Deaver, M Luo, JH Park, LL Gordley, AF Tuck, GC Toon, ...
J Geophys Res - D 101, 10151 - 10162, 1996
Severe chemical ozone loss in the Arctic during the winter of 1995–96
R Müller, PJ Crutzen, JU Grooβ, C Bürhl, JM Russell III, H Gernandt, ...
Nature 389 (6652), 709-712, 1997
On the evaluation of ozone depletion potentials
S Solomon, M Mills, LE Heidt, WH Pollock, AF Tuck
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 97 (D1), 825-842, 1992
Validation of measurements of water vapor from the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE)
JE Harries, JM Russell III, AF Tuck, LL Gordley, P Purcell, K Stone, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 101 (D6), 10205-10216, 1996
Molecular beam studies of ethyl nitrite photodissociation
AF Tuck
Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions 2 73, 689 - 706, 1977
Synoptic and chemical evolution of the Antarctic vortex in late winter and early spring, 1987
AF Tuck
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 94 (D9), 11687-11737, 1989
Fatty acids on continental sulfate aerosol particles
H Tervahattu, J Juhanoja, V Vaida, AF Tuck, JV Niemi, K Kupiainen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D6), 2005
Atmospheric absorption of near infrared and visible solar radiation by the hydrogen bonded water dimer
V Vaida, JS Daniel, HG Kjaergaard, LM Goss, AF Tuck
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 127 (575), 1627-1643, 2001
On the atmospheric photochemistry of nitric acid
J Austin, RR Garcia, JM Russell III, S Solomon, AF Tuck
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 91 (D5), 5477-5485, 1986
Production of nitrogen oxides by lightning discharges
AF Tuck
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 102 (434), 749-755, 1976
The Brewer‐Dobson Circulation In the Light of High Altitude In Situ Aircraft Observations
AF Tuck, D Baumgardner, KR Chan, JE Dye, JW Elkins, SJ Hovde, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 123 (537), 1-69, 1997
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