Md Naz Niamul Islam
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Cited by
Artificial intelligent based damping controller optimization for the multi-machine power system: A review
MA Hannan, NN Islam, A Mohamed, MSH Lipu, PJ Ker, MM Rashid, ...
IEEE Access 6, 39574-39594, 2018
An application of backtracking search algorithm in designing power system stabilizers for large multi-machine system
NN Islam, MA Hannan, H Shareef, A Mohamed
Neurocomputing 237, 175-184, 2017
Improved Power System Stability Using Backtracking Search Algorithm for Coordination Design of PSS and TCSC Damping Controller.
N Niamul Islam, MA Hannan, A Mohamed, H Shareef
PloS one 11 (1), e0146277-e0146277, 2015
Impact of large-scale installation of LED lamps in a distribution system
S Uddin, H ShareF, O Krause, A Mohamed, MA Hannan, NN Islam
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 23 (6), 1769 …, 2015
Power system stabilizer design using BAT optimization algorithm in multimachine power system
NN Islam, MA Hannan, H Shareef, A Mohamed
2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Developement, 540-544, 2013
SVC damping controller design based on firefly optimization algorithm in multi machine power system
NN Islam, MA Hannan, H Shareef, A Mohamed
2013 IEEE Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT), 66-70, 2013
Comparative study of popular objective functions for damping power system oscillations in multimachine system
N Niamul Islam, MA Hannan, H Shareef, A Mohamed, MA Salam
the scientific world journal 2014 (1), 549094, 2014
Efficacy of endosulfan and methyl parathion in the control of the eggplant shoot and fruit borer.
N Islam, AC Quiniones
Bijective differential search algorithm for robust design of damping controller in multimachine power system
NN Islam, MA Hannan, H Shareef, A Mohamad
Applied Mechanics and Materials 785, 424-428, 2015
Damping Power System Oscillation using Elitist Differential Search Algorithm in Multi Machine Power System
Naz Niamul Islam, M A Hannan, Azah Mohamed, Hussain Shareef
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 93 (1), 41-47, 2016
Fast and robust adaptive state estimation for large-scale integration of distributed energy resources
MNN Islam
The University of Queensland, 2022
Comparative Investigation for Robust and Efficient Distribution System State Estimation Algorithm: Case Study Considering Large Network
MNN Islam, AC Chapman
2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia), 1-5, 2021
Differential Search Algorithm in Multi Machine Power System Stabilizers for Damping Oscillations
Naz Niamul Islam, M A Hannan, Azah Mohamed, Hussain Shareef
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 93 (2), 353-359, 2016
Bijective Differential Search Algorithm for Optimum Damping Performance in Multimachine Power System
NN Islam, MA Hannan, H Shareef, A Mohamed
9th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2015 …, 2015
Selection of Objective Function for PSS Design Using Optimization Techniques in Multi Machine Power System
AM N N Islam, M A Hannan, Hussain Shareef
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 8 (19), 230-233, 2014
Evaluation of Conservation Tillage and Weed Management Options on Production Potential and Weed Incidences in Dry Seeded Rice
MH Rashid, J Timsina, N Islam, MK Gathala, JK Biswas
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Articles 1–16