Hector Palacios
Cited by
Cited by
Compiling uncertainty away in conformant planning problems with bounded width
H Palacios, H Geffner
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 35, 623-675, 2009
A Translation-Based Approach to Contingent Planning.
A Albore, H Palacios, H Geffner
IJCAI 9, 1623-1628, 2009
Automatic derivation of memoryless policies and finite-state controllers using classical planners
B Bonet, H Palacios, H Geffner
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2009
From Conformant into Classical Planning: Efficient Translations that May Be Complete Too.
H Palacios, H Geffner
ICAPS, 264-271, 2007
Pruning Conformant Plans by Counting Models on Compiled d-DNNF Representations.
H Palacios, B Bonet, A Darwiche, H Geffner
ICAPS 5, 141-150, 2005
Compiling uncertainty away: Solving conformant planning problems using a classical planner (sometimes)
H Palacios, H Geffner
AAAI, 900-905, 2006
Automatic derivation of finite-state machines for behavior control
B Bonet, H Palacios, H Geffner
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 1656-1659, 2010
Temporal planning with required concurrency using classical planning
S Jiménez, A Jonsson, H Palacios
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2015
Compiling uncertainty away in non-deterministic conformant planning
A Albore, H Palacios, H Geffner
ECAI 2010, 465-470, 2010
A planning based neural-symbolic approach for embodied instruction following
X Liu, H Palacios, C Muise
Interactions 9 (8), 17, 2022
Robust winners and winner determination policies under candidate uncertainty
C Boutilier, J Lang, J Oren, H Palacios
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Mapping conformant planning into SAT through compilation and projection
H Palacios, H Geffner
Conference of the spanish association for artificial intelligence, 311-320, 2005
Forward-search temporal planning with simultaneous events
D Furelos Blanco, A Jonsson, HL Palacios Verdes, S Jiménez
Salido MA, Barták R, editors. COPLAS 2018. 13th Workshop on Constraint …, 2018
Compiling contingent planning into classical planning: New translations and results
H Palacios, A Albore, H Geffner
Models and Paradigms for Planning under Uncertainty: a Broad Perspective 65, 2014
Brothers in arms? on AI planning and cellular automata
J Hoffmann, N Fates, H Palacios
ECAI 2010, 223-228, 2010
Planning as branch and bound: A constraint programming implementation
H Palacios, H Geffner
Proceedings of CLEI 2, 2002
Learning and ensembling lexicographic preference trees with multiple kernels
K Fernandes, JS Cardoso, H Palacios
2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2140-2147, 2016
Egocentric Planning for Scalable Embodied Task Achievement
X Liu, H Palacios, C Muise
Neurips, 2023
Fast and informed action selection for planning with sensing
A Albore, H Palacios, H Geffner
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Conference of the Spanish …, 2007
Translation-based approaches to Conformant Planning
HLP Verdes
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2009
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Articles 1–20