Hamid Mousavi
Hamid Mousavi
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Fast and accurate computation of equi-depth histograms over data streams
H Mousavi, C Zaniolo
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on extending database …, 2011
On finite groups with few non-normal subgroups
H Mousavi
Communications in Algebra 27 (7), 3143-3151, 1999
Smm: A data stream management system for knowledge discovery
H Thakkar, N Laptev, H Mousavi, B Mozafari, V Russo, C Zaniolo
2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering, 757-768, 2011
On the Central Automorphism. Groups of Finite p-Groups
ARJH Mousavi
Algebra Colloq 9, 7-14, 2002
Energy conserving movement-assisted deployment of ad hoc sensor networks
H Mousavi, A Nayyeri, N Yazdani, C Lucas
IEEE Communications Letters 10 (4), 269-271, 2006
Tas: ternarized neural architecture search for resource-constrained edge devices
M Loni, H Mousavi, M Riazati, M Daneshtalab, M Sjödin
2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2022
Mining Semantic Structures from Syntactic Structures in Free Text Documents
H Mousavi, D Kerr, M Iseli, C Zaniolo
IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 84 - 91, 2014
Mining Semantic Structures from Syntactic Structures in Free Text Documents
H Mousavi, D Kerr, M Iseli, C Zaniolo
Ibminer: A text mining tool for constructing and populating infobox databases and knowledge bases
H Mousavi, S Gao, C Zaniolo
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (12), 1330-1333, 2013
Aadam: a fast, accurate, and versatile aging-aware cell library delay model using feed-forward neural network
SM Ebrahimipour, B Ghavami, H Mousavi, M Raji, Z Fang, L Shannon
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1-9, 2020
Injury to the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve during ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon autograft: a comparison between oblique and vertical incisions
H Mousavi, M Mohammadi, HA Aghdam
Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery 6 (1), 52, 2018
Harvesting domain specific ontologies from text
H Mousavi, D Kerr, M Iseli, C Zaniolo
IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 211-218, 2014
OntoHarvester: An Unsupervised Ontology Generator from Free Text
H Mousavi, D Kerr, M Iseli, C Zaniolo
Text-Mining, Structured Queries, and Knowledge Management on Web Document Corpora
H Mousavi, M Atzori, S Gao, C Zaniolo
SIGMOD Record 43 (2), 44-51, 2014
Evaluation of Thompson's quadricepsplasty results in patients with knee stiffness resulted from femoral fracture
H Mousavi, B Mir, A Safaei
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 22 (1), 50, 2017
Discovering Attribute and Entity Synonyms for Knowledge Integration and Semantic Web Search
H Mousavi, S Gao, C Zaniolo
Comparative study after hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with endobutton and rigidfix: a clinical trial study
H Mousavi, A Maleki, A Nobakht
Advanced biomedical research 6 (1), 136, 2017
Burnout among nurses working in surgery and internal wards at selected hospitals of Ahvaz
M Zahiri, M Mahboubi, M Mohammadi, A Khodadadi, SH Mousavi, A Jalali
Tech J Engin App Sci 4, 79-84, 2014
Deducing InfoBoxes from Unstructured Text in Wikipedia Pages
H Mousavi, D Kerr, M Iseli, C Zaniolo
Analysis of factors affecting housing prices in Tehran
MH Mousavi, H Dorudiyan
Journal of Economic Modeling 9 (3), 103-127, 2015
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Articles 1–20