Georgeta Igna
Georgeta Igna
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Cited by
Model-driven design-space exploration for embedded systems: The octopus toolset
T Basten, E Van Benthum, M Geilen, M Hendriks, F Houben, G Igna, ...
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation: 4th …, 2010
Formal modeling and scheduling of datapaths of digital document printers
G Igna, V Kannan, Y Yang, T Basten, M Geilen, F Vaandrager, ...
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: 6th International Conference …, 2008
Model-driven design-space exploration for software-intensive embedded systems
T Basten, M Hendriks, N Trčka, L Somers, M Geilen, Y Yang, G Igna, ...
Model-Based Design of Adaptive Embedded Systems, 189-244, 2013
Adaptive scheduling of data paths using Uppaal Tiga
I AlAttili, F Houben, G Igna, S Michels, F Zhu, F Vaandrager
arXiv preprint arXiv:0912.1897, 2009
Distributed MILS architectural approach for secure smart grids
D Bytschkow, J Quilbeuf, G Igna, H Ruess
Smart Grid Security: Second International Workshop, SmartGridSec 2014 …, 2014
Verification of printer datapaths using timed automata
G Igna, F Vaandrager
International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods …, 2010
Optimizing schedules for adaptable manufacturing systems
N Keddis, B Javed, G Igna, A Zoitl
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on emerging technologies & factory automation …, 2015
Factory product lines: Tackling the compatibility problem
A Bayha, L Lúcio, V Aravantinos, K Miyamoto, G Igna
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2016
Performance analysis of real-time task systems using timed automata
G Igna
[Sl]:[Sn], 2013
Modeling task systems using parameterized partial orders
F Houben, G Igna, F Vaandrager
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 15, 269-286, 2013
Model-based deployment generation for safety-critical avionics systems
G Igna, L Dieudonne, S Voss, B Schatz
2017 12th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES …, 2017
Security policies for distributed systems
J Quilbeuf, G Igna, D Bytschkow, H Ruess
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.3723, 2013
Optimal deployment
K Albers, M Büker, L Dieudonné, R Hilbrich, G Igna, S Kugele, T Kuhn, ...
Advanced Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems: Extensions of the SPES …, 2016
C Morgan, M Núñez, I AlAttili, F Houben, G Igna, S Michels, F Zhu, ...
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Articles 1–14