Martijn van Staveren
Cited by
Cited by
Trends in flood risk management in deltas around the world: Are we going'soft'?
A Wesselink, J Warner, MA Syed, F Chan, DD Tran, H Huq, F Huthoff, ...
International Journal of Water Governance 3 (4), 25-46, 2015
Bringing in the tides. From closing down to opening up delta polders via Tidal River Management in the southwest delta of Bangladesh
MF van Staveren, JF Warner, M Shah Alam Khan
Water Policy 19 (1), 147-164, 2017
The tenth dragon: controlled seasonal flooding in long-term policy plans for the Vietnamese Mekong delta
MF Van Staveren, JPM van Tatenhove, JF Warner
Journal of environmental policy & planning 20 (3), 267-281, 2018
Hydraulic engineering in the social-ecological delta: understanding the interplay between social, ecological, and technological systems in the Dutch delta by means of “delta …
MF van Staveren, JPM van Tatenhove
Ecology and Society 21 (1), 2016
Cutting dikes, cutting ties? Reintroducing flood dynamics in coastal polders in Bangladesh and the netherlands
JF Warner, MF van Staveren, J van Tatenhove
International journal of disaster risk reduction 32, 106-112, 2018
Let’s bring in the floods: de-poldering in the Netherlands as a strategy for long-term delta survival?
MF van Staveren, JF Warner, JPM van Tatenhove, P Wester
Water International 39 (5), 686-700, 2014
Climate stress tests as a climate adaptation information tool in Dutch municipalities
I de Klerk, K van Koppen, M van Staveren
Climate risk management 33, 100318, 2021
Bringing in the floods: A comparative study on controlled flooding in the Dutch, Bangladesh and Vietnamese deltas
MF van Staveren
PQDT-Global, 2017
Towards Sustainable Development of Delta's, Estuaries and Coastal Zones: Trends and Responses: Executive Summary
H van der Most, M Marchand, T Bucx, T Nauta, M van Staveren
Deltares, 2009
Integrated Flood Management in the Context of Climate Change, Vietnam: Evaluating the Effects of Integrated Flood Management on Flood Risks in a Climate Change Scenario
MF van Staveren
Commentary: Dike Relocation from an Environmental Policy Perspective
MF van Staveren
Nature-Based Flood Risk Management on Private Land: Disciplinary …, 2019
The Challenge of Salinity: Emphasizing the role of cross-sectoral collaboration and partnerships
MF van Staveren, B Bodlaender, JR Boroto, T Cober, I Demmers, ...
Project summary: E3-understanding knowledge arrangements: insights into how and why combining knowledge types benefits flood risk management interventions
M van Staveren
Towards improved flood defences: five years of all-risk research into the …, 2022
Bangladesh-The Netherlands: 50 years of water cooperation
B ter Braak, MF van Staveren
Bangladesh integrated delta planning
MF van Staveren
The Delta Approach, 16-17, 2014
Governance of ‘long term delta planning’in Bangladesh, Vietnam and the Netherlands
M van Staveren
Water Governance 4 (4), 50-51, 2014
Shades of green: examples of greener flood management strategies in the Netherlands and Bangladesh
M van Staveren, B Nishat
Integrated Flood Management in the context of climate change: case study Vietnam
M van Staveren
Shades of green: examples of greener approaches to water and flood management in the Bangladesh and Dutch deltas
MF van Staveren, B Nishat, MFA Khan
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Articles 1–19