Yuhe Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Crystallization in the fractional quantum hall regime induced by landau-level mixing
J Zhao, Y Zhang, JK Jain
Physical review letters 121 (11), 116802, 2018
Fractional Angular Momentum in Cold-Atom Systems
Y Zhang, GJ Sreejith, ND Gemelke, JK Jain
Physical review letters 113 (16), 160404, 2014
Creating and manipulating non-Abelian anyons in cold atom systems using auxiliary bosons
Y Zhang, GJ Sreejith, JK Jain
Physical Review B 92 (7), 075116, 2015
Landau level mixing and particle hole symmetry breaking for spin transitions in fractional quantum Hall effect
Y Zhang, A Wójs, JK Jain
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 116803, 2016
Theoretical investigation of edge reconstruction in the v=5 2 and 7 3 fractional quantum Hall states
Y Zhang, YH Wu, JA Hutasoit, JK Jain
Physical Review B 90 (16), 165104, 2014
Tunnel transport and interlayer excitons in bilayer fractional quantum Hall systems
Y Zhang, JK Jain, JP Eisenstein
Physical Review B 95 (19), 195105, 2017
Structural and metal-insulator transitions in ionic liquid-gated Ca3Ru2O7 surface
CP Puls, X Cai, Y Zhang, J Peng, Z Mao, Y Liu
Applied Physics Letters 104 (25), 253503, 2014
The effect of Landau level mixing on spin polarization of composite fermions: a non-perturbative study
Y Zhang, JK Jain
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, P51. 004, 2016
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