Rogerio Ferreira Lourenço
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The ECF sigma factor σT is involved in osmotic and oxidative stress responses in Caulobacter crescentus
CE Alvarez‐Martinez, RF Lourenço, RL Baldini, MT Laub, SL Gomes
Molecular microbiology 66 (5), 1240-1255, 2007
A two‐component system, an anti‐sigma factor and two paralogous ECF sigma factors are involved in the control of general stress response in Caulobacter crescentus
RF Lourenço, C Kohler, SL Gomes
Molecular microbiology 80 (6), 1598-1612, 2011
The GATA-type transcriptional activator Gat1 regulates nitrogen uptake and metabolism in the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans
L Kmetzsch, CC Staats, E Simon, FL Fonseca, DL Oliveira, LS Joffe, ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 48 (2), 192-199, 2011
Global transcriptional response of Caulobacter crescentus to iron availability
JF da Silva Neto, RF Lourenço, MV Marques
BMC genomics 14, 1-16, 2013
The transcriptional response to cadmium, organic hydroperoxide, singlet oxygen and UV‐A mediated by the σE–ChrR system in Caulobacter crescentus
RF Lourenço, SL Gomes
Molecular microbiology 72 (5), 1159-1170, 2009
Extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factor σF is involved in Caulobacter crescentus response to heavy metal stress
C Kohler, RF Lourenço, GM Avelar, SL Gomes
BMC microbiology 12, 1-14, 2012
A comprehensive genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of a hyperosmotic stress sensitive α-proteobacterium
C Kohler, RF Lourenço, J Bernhardt, D Albrecht, J Schüler, M Hecker, ...
BMC microbiology 15, 1-15, 2015
Alternative start codon connects eIF5A to mitochondria
KD Pereira, L Tamborlin, L Meneguello, ARG de Proença, ICPA Almeida, ...
Journal of cellular physiology 231 (12), 2682-2689, 2016
Transcriptomic analysis of the stationary phase response regulator SpdR in Caulobacter crescentus
CAPT da Silva, RF Lourenço, RR Mazzon, RA Ribeiro, MV Marques
BMC microbiology 16, 1-11, 2016
CspC regulates the expression of the glyoxylate cycle genes at stationary phase in Caulobacter
JS Santos, CAPT da Silva, H Balhesteros, RF Lourenço, MV Marques
BMC genomics 16, 1-14, 2015
The nucleoid-associated protein GapR uses conserved structural elements to oligomerize and bind DNA
RF Lourenço, S Saurabh, J Herrmann, S Wakatsuki, L Shapiro
MBio 11 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 00448-20, 2020
Proteomic Analysis of Yeast Mutant RNA Exosome Complexes
RF Lourenço, AFP Leme, CC Oliveira
Journal of proteome research 12 (12), 5912-5922, 2013
Strain-specific transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of heat-labile toxin expression by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
JF Rodrigues, RF Lourenço, DLNF Maeda, M de Jesus Cintra, N Nakao, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 51, 455-465, 2020
Evaluation of adenosine triphosphate test for cleaning assessment of gastroscopes and the effect on workload in a busy endoscopy center
C Schmitt, ALP Maciel, I Boszczowski, TP da Silva, EAJ Neves, ...
American journal of infection control 46 (10), 1110-1114, 2018
The AraC‐type transcription factor TagK is a new player in the signaling cascade that induces the anti‐eukaryotic T6SS of Xanthomonas citri
LP Lima, ES de Santana, APR Lorenzetti, RF Lourenço, LM Ceseti, L Riva, ...
Molecular microbiology 118 (5), 552-569, 2022
The Extracytoplasmic Function Sigma Factor–mediated Response to Heavy Metal Stress in Caulobacter Crescentus
RF Lourenço, SL Gomes
Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in …, 2016
How new molecular tools can help bugbusters: a Burkholderia cepacia complex outbreak investigation
ALP Maciel, C Schmitt, MM Baraldi, CL Silva, LFV Oliveira, JLM Sampaio, ...
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 62, e59, 2020
Identification of proteins co-purifying with the yeast RNA exosome and their effect on the complex stabilization
RF Lourenço, FA Gonzales, CC Oliveira
Program & Abstracts, 2013
Understanding the reason for the RNA degradation defects in temperature-sensitive mutants of the exosome subnit Rrp43p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
RF Lourenco, CC Oliveira
Abstracts, 2012
A two-component system involved in the'sigma''POT. T'-mediated general stress response in Caulobacter crescentus
RF Lourenço, SL Gomes, C Kohler
Abstracts, 2010
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Articles 1–20