Immaculate Omondi
Immaculate Omondi
International Livestock Research Institute
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Cited by
Adoption of modern beekeeping and its impact on honey production in the former Mwingi District of Kenya: assessment using theory-based impact evaluation approach
HD Affognon, WS Kingori, AI Omondi, MG Diiro, BW Muriithi, S Makau, ...
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 35 (02), 96-102, 2015
Economic valuation of sheep genetic resources: implications for sustainable utilization in the Kenyan semi-arid tropics
I Omondi, I Baltenweck, AG Drucker, G Obare, KK Zander
Tropical Animal Health and Production 40, 615-626, 2008
Processor Linkages and Farm Household Productivity: Evidence from Dairy Hubs in East Africa
I Omondi, I., Rao, E. J. O., Karimov, A. A. and Baltenweck
Agribusiness : an International Journal, 2017
Dairy farm households, processor linkages and household income: the case of dairy hub linkages in East Africa
I Rao, E. J. O., Omondi, I. A., Karimov, A. A., Baltenweck
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19 (4), 95–108, 2016
Gendered reporting of household dynamics in the Kenyan dairy sector: trends and implications for low emissions dairy development
TC Katie Tavenner, Simon Fraval, Immaculate Omondi
Gender, Technology and Development 22 (1), 2018
Valuing goat genetic resources: a pro-poor growth strategy in the Kenyan semi-arid tropics
IA Omondi, I Baltenweck, AG Drucker, GA Obare, KK Zander
Tropical Animal Health and Production 40, 583-596, 2008
Understanding farmers’ preferences for artificial insemination services provided through dairy hubs
IA Omondi, KK Zander, S Bauer, I Baltenweck
animal 11 (4), 677-686, 2017
Women’s Empowerment and Livestock Vaccination: Evidence from Peste des Petits Ruminants Vaccination Interventions in Northern Ghana
I Omondi, A Galič, N Teufel, A Loriba, E Kariuki, I Baltenweck
Animals 12 (6), 717, 2022
Gender dynamics around introduction of improved forages in Kenya and Ethiopia
E Njuguna‐Mungai, I Omondi, A Galič, H Jumba, M Derseh, BK Paul, ...
Agronomy Journal 114 (1), 277-295, 2022
Setting up sustainable dairy business hubs: A resource book for facilitators
G Mutinda, I Baltenweck, I Omondi
ILRI (aka ILCA and ILRAD), 2015
Using dairy hubs to improve farmers メ access to milk markets in Kenya: Gender and its implications
I Omondi, K Zander, S Bauer, I Baltenweck
ILRI, 2014
Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania
T Gumucio, B Kramer, C Ragasa, R Pyburn, A Galie, S Dejene Aredo, ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security …, 2021
USAID-Kenya Crops and Dairy Market Systems (KCDMS): Feed and fodder value chain assessment report
JO Auma, IA Omondi, JG Mugwe, EJO Rao, BA Lukuyu, I Baltenweck
RTI International, 2018
Dairy value chains in East Africa: Why so few women?
I Baltenweck, I Omondi, E Waithanji, E Kinuthia, M Odhiambo
LM Publishers, 2016
Leveraging development programs—Livestock research
I Baltenweck, RR Banerjee, IA Omondi
Elsevier, 2019
Understanding farmers’ preferences for artificial insemination services provided through dairy hubs. Animal, 11 (4), 677–686
IA Omondi, KK Zander, S Bauer, I Baltenweck
Economic analysis of indigenous small ruminant breeds in the pastoral system: a case of sheep and goats in Marsabit District, Kenya
IA Omondi
The Gambia livestock sector analysis
ST Bahta, K Nigussie, B Loum, F Gaye, FN Wanyoike, IA Omondi, ...
ILRI Project Report, 2022
Mobile veterinary clinics in the drylands of Kenya: securing pastoralists’ livelihoods by bringing services close
I Omondi, I Baltenweck, E Kinuthia, L Kirui, G Njoroge-Wamwere, B Bett, ...
Development in Practice 31 (5), 561-579, 2021
East African farmers to benefit from using mobile phones to record yields
I Omondi, A Kihara, I Baltenweck
ILRI, 2016
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Articles 1–20