Nasir Naveed
Nasir Naveed
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Bad news travel fast: A content-based analysis of interestingness on twitter
N Naveed, T Gottron, J Kunegis, AC Alhadi
ACM Web Science Conference 2011, 1-7, 2011
Searching microblogs: coping with sparsity and document quality
N Naveed, T Gottron, J Kunegis, AC Alhadi
20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management …, 2011
A comprehensive study of de novo genome assemblers: current challenges and future prospective
AR Khan, MT Pervez, ME Babar, N Naveed, M Shoaib
Evolutionary Bioinformatics 14, 1176934318758650, 2018
Evaluating the Accuracy and Efficiency of Multiple Sequence Alignment Methods.
MS Muhammad Tariq Pervez, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Asif Nadeem, Muhammad Aslam ...
Evolutionary Bioinformatics 10, 205–217, 2014
Ann based learning to kalman filter algorithm for indoor environment prediction in smart greenhouse
I Ullah, M Fayaz, N Naveed, D Kim
IEEe Access 8, 159371-159388, 2020
Towards a task and resource aware task scheduling in cloud computing: An experimental comparative evaluation
M Ibrahim, S Nabi, A Baz, N Naveed, H Alhakami
International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 8 (3), 131-138, 2020
A comparative study of land cover classification by using multispectral and texture data
S Qadri, DM Khan, F Ahmad, SF Qadri, ME Babar, M Shahid, ...
BioMed research international 2016 (1), 8797438, 2016
Att: Analyzing temporal dynamics of topics and authors in social media
N Naveed, S Sizov, S Staab
ACM Web Science Conference 2011, 1-7, 2011
IVisTMSA: interactive visual tools for multiple sequence alignments
MT Pervez, ME Babar, A Nadeem, N Aslam, N Naveed, S Ahmad, ...
Evolutionary Bioinformatics 11, EBO. S18980, 2015
LiveTweet: Microblog Retrieval Based on Interestingess and an Adaptation of the Vector Space Model
AC Alhadi, T Gottron, J Kunegis, N Naveed
Text Retrieval Conference (TREC), 2011
Livetweet: Monitoring and predicting interesting microblog posts
AC Alhadi, T Gottron, J Kunegis, N Naveed
Advances in Information Retrieval: 34th European Conference on IR Research …, 2012
Intelligent anti-money laundering fraud control using graph-based machine learning model for the financial domain
A Usman, N Naveed, S Munawar
Journal of Cases on Information Technology 25 (1), 1-20, 2023
A technique to increase the usability of e-learning websites
Q Ain
Pakistan Journal of Science 68 (2), 2016
Mitochondrial ATP6 and ATP8 genes based Molecular Diversity and Phylogenetic analysis in Punjab Urial (Ovis vignei punjabiensis)
T Hussain, ME Babar, MM Musthafa, R Saif, F Hussain, M Aqeel, ...
J. Anim. Plant Sci 25 (3), 311-318, 2015
Feature Sentiment Diversification of User Generated Reviews: The FREuD Approach
N Naveed, T Gottron, S Staab
International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2013), 2013
Improving cloud data encryption using customized genetic algorithm
MJ Arshad, M Umair, S Munawar, N Naveed, H Naeem
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 13 (6), 46, 2020
The accuracy of protein structure alignment servers
N Aslam, A Nadeem, ME Babar, MT Pervez, M Aslam, N Naveed, ...
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 20, 9-13, 2016
Fuzzy logic-based expert system for assessing programming course performance of E-learning students
K Khawar, S Munawar, N Naveed
Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Robotic Applications …, 2020
Attention: Understanding authors and topics in context of temporal evolution
N Naveed, S Sizov, S Staab
Advances in Information Retrieval: 33rd European Conference on IR Research …, 2011
SAliBASE: a database of simulated protein alignments
MT Pervez, HA Shah, ME Babar, N Naveed, M Shoaib
Evolutionary Bioinformatics 15, 1176934318821080, 2019
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Articles 1–20