Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir India
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Cited by
Meta-QTL analysis of seed iron and zinc concentration and content in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
P Izquierdo, C Astudillo, MW Blair, AM Iqbal, B Raatz, KA Cichy
Theoretical and applied genetics 131 (8), 1645-1658, 2018
Combining ability analysis for yield and yield related traits in maize (Zea mays L.)
AM Iqbal, FA Nehvi, SA Wani, R Qadir, ZA Dar
International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 1 (2), 101-105, 2007
Genetic variability study in Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) under Temperate Conditions.
SH Wani, FA Sheikh, S Najeeb, MUDIN SOFI, AM IQBAL, ...
Current Agriculture Research Journal 6 (3), 2018
Prospects of clonal selection for enhancing productivity in saffron (Crocus sativus L.)
G Ali, AM Iqbal, FA Nehvi, SS Samad, S Nagoo, S Naseer, NA Dar
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (5), 460-467, 2013
Comparison of random forest and kriging models for soil organic carbon mapping in the Himalayan Region of Kashmir
I Farooq, SA Bangroo, O Bashir, TI Shah, AA Malik, AM Iqbal, SS Mahdi, ...
Land 11 (12), 2180, 2022
Identification for surrogate drought tolerance in maize inbred lines utilizing high-throughput phenomics approach
ZA Dar, SA Dar, JA Khan, AA Lone, S Langyan, BA Lone, RH Kanth, ...
Plos one 16 (7), e0254318, 2021
Combining ability analysis for yield and its component traits in high altitude maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds
AMI GOWHAR Ali, I Ahmed, SA Dar
Adv. in Life Sci 1 (1), 66-69, 2012
Combining ability studies over environments in Rajmash (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) in Jammu and Kashmir, India
AM Iqbal, FA Nehvi, SA Wani, H Qadri, ZA Dar, AA Lone
Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science 2 (11), 333-338, 2010
Genetic variability in Brassica rapa var Brown sarson for maturity, yield and yield attributing traits.
AM Iqbal, AB Shikari, AH Ashaq Hussain, ZA Dar
Impact of corm weight on saffron yield under temperate conditions of Kashmir
AM Iqbal, SS Samad, AA Aijaz, FA Nehvi, G Ali, NA Dar, AA Lone
Vegetos 25 (2), 303-305, 2012
Effect of biofertilizers, biological control agents and soil amendments on the control of saffron corm rot (Crocus sativus L.)
SS Sameer, S Bashir, FA Nehvi, AM Iqbal, S Naseer, SA Nagoo, NA Dar
IV International Symposium on Saffron Biology and Technology 1200, 121-124, 2012
DNA fingerprinting of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) by RAPD.
H Qadri, PC Sharma, Q Asif, SP Singh, FA Nehvi
Vegetos 25 (1), 194-197, 2012
Insilco identification and characterization of superoxide dismutase gene family in Brassica rapa
AMI Qureshi, MU Sofi, NA Dar, MH Khan, SS Mahdi, ZA Dar, S Bangroo, ...
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (10), 5526-5537, 2021
Quality breeding in field crops
AMI Qureshi, ZA Dar, SH Wani
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Combining ability study over environments in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
AM Iqbal, FA Nehvi, SA Wani, ZA Dar, AA Lone, H Qadri
Farmer's participatory varietal selection in japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Kashmir valley.
M Rafiq, S Najeeb, FA Sheikh, AM Iqbal, ZA Bhat, SC Kashyp, A Hussian, ...
Analysis and farmers’ perception of climate change in the Kashmir Valley, India
SS Mahdi, BS Dhekale, R Jan, MA Bhat, A Hussain, IA Jehangir, NR Sofi, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 149 (1), 727-741, 2022
Farmer’s perception of climate change and adaptation strategies under temperate environmental conditions of Kashmir, India
SS MAHDI, R Jan, IA Jehangir, A Hussain, MA BHAT, B Dhekale, ...
Journal of Agrometeorology 23 (4), 442-451, 2021
Potassium isotherm partitioning based on modified quantity‐intensity relation and potassium buffering characterization of soils of North India
SA Bangroo, NA Kirmani, MA Bhat, JA Wani, AM Iqbal, ZA Dar, SS Mahdi, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 184 (1), 112-122, 2021
Z Dar, S Dar, J Khan, A Lone, S Langyan, B Lone, RH Kanth, A Iqbal, ...
SH, Alfarraj, S., Alharbi, SA, Brestic, M. & Ansari, M, 2021
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Articles 1–20