Kalpana Giri
Kalpana Giri
Senior Manager
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Cited by
Understanding the relationships between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation: A conceptual framework
JA Fisher, G Patenaude, K Giri, K Lewis, P Meir, P Pinho, ...
Ecosystem services 7, 34-45, 2014
Outmigrating men: A window of opportunity for women's participation in community forestry?
K Giri, I Darnhofer
Scandinavian journal of forest research 25 (sup9), 55-61, 2010
Nepali women using community forestry as a platform for social change
K Giri, I Darnhofer
Society and Natural Resources 23 (12), 1216-1229, 2010
Getting REDD+ right for women: an analysis of the barriers and opportunities for women's participation in the REDD+ sector in Asia.
J Gurung, K Giri, AB Setyowati, E Lebow
Challenges and experiences of women in the forestry sector in Nepal
ME Christie, K Giri
Academic Journals, 2011
Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the livelihoods of rural households in the community forestry landscape in the Middle Hills of Nepal
R Bista, R Parajuli, K Giri, R Karki, C Song
Trees, Forests and People 9, 100312, 2022
Development and status of community forestry governance in Nepal
R Koirala, K Giri, BK Pokharel
National Convention of Society of American Foresters, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, 2008
Enhancing livelihoods from Community Forestry in Nepal: can technobureaucratic behaviour allow innovation systems to work?
K Giri, HR Ojha
Gender in Forest Tenure: Prerequisite for sustainable forest management in Nepal
K Giri
The challenges of securing women's tenure and leadership for forest …, 2012
How does techno bureaucracy impede livelihood innovations in Community Forestry
K Giri, HR Ojha
Kathmandu, Nepal: Forest Action, 2011
In the absence of their men: Women and forest management in the Mid-hills of Nepal
K Giri, B Pokhrel, I Darnhofer
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 108, 295-304, 2008
Resource complexities and governance mechanisms: Evaluating community forestry program of Nepal
K Giri
Presentation held at the Conference on Human Dimensions of Global …, 2006
Gender equality and social inclusion in community forestry: Status, trends and future prospects
K Giri, B Bhattarai, S Tamang, R Wagle, S Dhungana
Revitalising Community Forestry in the Changing Socioeconomic Context of Nepal, 2022
Gender reforms in Nepal: Retreat or predicaments
K Giri
A review of the politics and practice of women‘s rights, 2012
Changing dimensions of Community Forestry in Nepal: From subsistence towards sustainability
K Giri
Nepal Journal of Forestry 12 (3), 2005
Initial assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on sustainable forest management Asia-Pacific States
K Giri
United Nations Forum on Forests Secretariat, 2021
Women as forest managers: The effect of men's outmigration
K Giri
na, 2009
Gender as the missing link for improving climate change adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture
MJ Williams, A Lentisco, MB Badayos-Jover, C Pedroza-Gutiérrez, K Giri, ...
COMING SOON, 189, 2016
Gender mainstreaming strategy–USAID clean power Asia
K Giri
SEI: Stockholm Environment Institute, 2017
What does research into use actually mean: a view from the reality of practice?
K Giri, D Upretry
South Asia Exchange Programme-Common Property Resource (SAEP) workshop, 18, 2011
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Articles 1–20