Markus Grillitsch
Markus Grillitsch
Department of Human Geography & CIRCLE, Lund University
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Trinity of change agency, regional development paths and opportunity spaces
M Grillitsch, M Sotarauta
Progress in human geography 44 (4), 704-723, 2020
Exogenous sources of regional industrial change: Attraction and absorption of non-local knowledge for new path development
M Trippl, M Grillitsch, A Isaksen
Progress in human geography 42 (5), 687-705, 2018
Innovation in peripheral regions: Do collaborations compensate for a lack of local knowledge spillovers?
M Grillitsch, M Nilsson
The Annals of Regional Science 54, 299-321, 2015
Unrelated knowledge combinations: the unexplored potential for regional industrial path development
M Grillitsch, B Asheim, M Trippl
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (2), 257-274, 2018
Innovation policy for system-wide transformation: The case of strategic innovation programmes (SIPs) in Sweden
M Grillitsch, T Hansen, L Coenen, J Miörner, J Moodysson
Research Policy 48 (4), 1048-1061, 2019
Regional innovation systems: Past–present–future
BT Asheim, M Grillitsch, M Trippl
Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation, 45-62, 2016
Green industry development in different types of regions
M Grillitsch, T Hansen
European Planning Studies 27 (11), 2163-2183, 2019
Place-based innovation policy for industrial diversification in regions
M Grillitsch, B Asheim
European Planning Studies 26 (8), 1638-1662, 2018
Perspectives on cluster evolution: critical review and future research issues
M Trippl, M Grillitsch, A Isaksen, T Sinozic
European planning studies 23 (10), 2028-2044, 2015
Agency and actors in regional industrial path development. A framework and longitudinal analysis
S Jolly, M Grillitsch, T Hansen
Geoforum 111, 176-188, 2020
Combining knowledge from different sources, channels and geographical scales
M Grillitsch, M Trippl
European Planning Studies 22 (11), 2305-2325, 2014
Introduction: Combinatorial knowledge bases, regional innovation, and development dynamics
B Asheim, M Grillitsch, M Trippl
Economic Geography 93 (5), 429-435, 2017
Smart specialization as an innovation-driven strategy for economic diversification: Examples from Scandinavian regions
B Asheim, M Grillitsch, M Trippl
Advances in the theory and practice of smart specialization, 73-97, 2017
Knowledge base combinations and firm growth
M Grillitsch, T Schubert, M Srholec
Research policy 48 (1), 234-247, 2019
Institutions, smart specialisation dynamics and policy
M Grillitsch
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34 (1), 22-37, 2016
Knowledge base combinations and innovation performance in Swedish regions
M Grillitsch, R Martin, M Srholec
Economic geography 93 (5), 458-479, 2017
Firm performance in the periphery: On the relation between firm-internal knowledge and local knowledge spillovers
M Grillitsch, M Nilsson
Regional Studies 51 (8), 1219-1231, 2017
Does combinatorial knowledge lead to a better innovation performance of firms?
F Tödtling, M Grillitsch
European Planning Studies 23 (9), 1741-1758, 2015
Following or breaking regional development paths: on the role and capability of the innovative entrepreneur
M Grillitsch
Regional Studies 53 (5), 681-691, 2019
Knowledge sourcing and innovation in Austrian ICT companies—how does geography matter?
F Toedtling, M Grillitsch, C Hoeglinger
Industry and Innovation 19 (4), 327-348, 2012
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Articles 1–20