Michael Nastasi
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Handbook of modern ion beam materials analysis
JR Tesmer, MA Nastasi
(No Title), 1995
Ion-solid Interactions: Fundamentals and Applications
M Nastasi
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Efficient annealing of radiation damage near grain boundaries via interstitial emission
XM Bai, AF Voter, RG Hoagland, M Nastasi, BP Uberuaga
Science 327 (5973), 1631-1634, 2010
Radiation effects in crystalline ceramics for the immobilization of high-level nuclear waste and plutonium
WJ Weber, RC Ewing, CRA Catlow, TD De La Rubia, LW Hobbs, ...
Journal of Materials Research 13 (6), 1434-1484, 1998
(Hf0.2Zr0.2Ta0.2Nb0.2Ti0.2)C high‐entropy ceramics with low thermal conductivity
X Yan, L Constantin, Y Lu, JF Silvain, M Nastasi, B Cui
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101 (10), 4486-4491, 2018
Structure and mechanical properties of Cu-X (X= Nb, Cr, Ni) nanolayered composites
A Misra, M Verdier, YC Lu, H Kung, TE Mitchell, M Nastasi, JD Embury
Scripta Materialia 39 (4-5), 555-560, 1998
The role of strain in hydrogenation induced cracking in Si/Si {sub 1-x} Ge {sub x}/Si structures
S Lin, D Zengfeng, QX Jia, YQ Wang, M Nastasi, L Yuan, PE Thompson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (4), 2008
Ion implantation and synthesis of materials
MA Nastasi, JW Mayer
Springer 5, 63-76, 2006
Radiation damage effects in zirconia
KE Sickafus, T Hartmann, K Yasuda, JA Valdez, P Chodak III, M Nastasi, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 274 (1-2), 66-77, 1999
Radiation damage in nanostructured materials
X Zhang, K Hattar, Y Chen, L Shao, J Li, C Sun, K Yu, N Li, ML Taheri, ...
Progress in Materials Science 96, 217-321, 2018
Enhanced hardening in Cu/330 stainless steel multilayers by nanoscale twinning
X Zhang, A Misra, H Wang, TD Shen, M Nastasi, TE Mitchell, JP Hirth, ...
Acta Materialia 52 (4), 995-1002, 2004
Handbook of modern ion beam materials analysis
Y Wang, M Nastasi
MRS, Materials Research Soc., 2010
Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of materials having ultra-fine microstructures
HG MA Nastasi, DM Parkin
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1993. ISBN 0-7923-2195-2., 1993
Nanoscale-twinning-induced strengthening in austenitic stainless steel thin films
X Zhang, A Misra, H Wang, M Nastasi, JD Embury, TE Mitchell, ...
Applied physics letters 84 (7), 1096-1098, 2004
Preparation of Nanoporous MgO-Coated TiO2 Nanoparticles and Their Application to the Electrode of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
HS Jung, JK Lee, M Nastasi, SW Lee, JY Kim, JS Park, KS Hong, H Shin
Langmuir 21 (23), 10332-10335, 2005
Are nanoporous materials radiation resistant?
EM Bringa, JD Monk, A Caro, A Misra, L Zepeda-Ruiz, M Duchaineau, ...
Nano letters 12 (7), 3351-3355, 2012
Cold ion-cutting of hydrogen implanted Si
K Henttinen, T Suni, A Nurmela, I Suni, SS Lau, T Höchbauer, M Nastasi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2002
Comparison of thermally and mechanically induced Si layer transfer in hydrogen-implanted Si wafers
T Höchbauer, A Misra, M Nastasi, K Henttinen, T Suni, I Suni, SS Lau, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2004
Ion‐induced amorphous and crystalline phase formation in Al/Ni, Al/Pd, and Al/Pt thin films
LS Hung, M Nastasi, J Gyulai, JW Mayer
Applied Physics Letters 42 (8), 672-674, 1983
Ion beam mixing in metallic and semiconductor materials
M Nastasi, JW Mayer
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 12 (1), 1-52, 1994
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Articles 1–20