Jai Dayal
Jai Dayal
Samsung Semiconductor
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Cited by
Thermal aware workload placement with task-temperature profiles in a data center
L Wang, SU Khan, J Dayal
The Journal of Supercomputing 61, 780-803, 2012
Flexpath: Type-based publish/subscribe system for large-scale science analytics
J Dayal, D Bratcher, G Eisenhauer, K Schwan, M Wolf, X Zhang, H Abbasi, ...
2014 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2014
Towards thermal aware workload scheduling in a data center
L Wang, G Von Laszewski, J Dayal, X He, AJ Younge, TR Furlani
2009 10th international symposium on pervasive systems, algorithms, and …, 2009
FlexIO: I/O middleware for location-flexible scientific data analytics
F Zheng, H Zou, G Eisenhauer, K Schwan, M Wolf, J Dayal, TA Nguyen, ...
2013 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2013
Task scheduling with ANN-based temperature prediction in a data center: a simulation-based study
L Wang, G Von Laszewski, F Huang, J Dayal, T Frulani, G Fox
Engineering with Computers 27, 381-391, 2011
Thermal aware workload scheduling with backfilling for green data centers
L Wang, G von Laszewski, J Dayal, TR Furlani
2009 IEEE 28th international performance computing and communications …, 2009
Provide virtual distributed environments for grid computing on demand
L Wang, G Von Laszewski, M Kunze, J Tao, J Dayal
Advances in Engineering Software 41 (2), 213-219, 2010
I/o containers: Managing the data analytics and visualization pipelines of high end codes
J Dayal, J Cao, G Eisenhauer, K Schwan, M Wolf, F Zheng, H Abbasi, ...
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2013
Process-in-process: techniques for practical address-space sharing
A Hori, M Si, B Gerofi, M Takagi, J Dayal, P Balaji, Y Ishikawa
Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2018
In-situ i/o processing: a case for location flexibility
F Zheng, H Abbasi, J Cao, J Dayal, K Schwan, M Wolf, S Klasky, ...
Proceedings of the sixth workshop on Parallel Data Storage, 37-42, 2011
FlexQuery: An online query system for interactive remote visual data exploration at large scale
H Zou, K Schwan, M Slawinska, M Wolf, G Eisenhauer, F Zheng, J Dayal, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 1-8, 2013
D2t: Doubly distributed transactions for high performance and distributed computing
J Lofstead, J Dayal, K Schwan, R Oldfield
2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 90-98, 2012
Flexio: Location-flexible execution of in situ data analytics for large scale scientific applications
F Zheng, H Zou, J Cao, J Dayal, T Nugye, G Eisenhauer, S Klasky
Proc. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp (IPDPSâ …, 2013
Soda: Science-driven orchestration of data analytics
J Dayal, J Lofstead, G Eisenhauer, K Schwan, M Wolf, H Abbasi, S Klasky
2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science, 475-484, 2015
Efficient transactions for parallel data movement
J Lofstead, J Dayal, I Jimenez, C Maltzahn
Proceedings of the 8th Parallel Data Storage Workshop, 1-6, 2013
High end scientific codes with computational i/o pipelines: improving their end-to-end performance
F Zheng, J Cao, J Dayal, G Eisenhauer, K Schwan, M Wolf, H Abbasi, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Petascal data analytics …, 2011
Transactional parallel metadata services for integrated application workflows
J Lofstead, J Dayal
HPCDB'12, 2012
D2T: Doubly Distributed Transactions for High Performance and Distributed Computing
J Dayal, J Lofstead, K Schwan, R Oldfield
I/O Containers: Managing the Data Analytics and Visualization Pipelines of High End Codes.
GF Lofstead, J Dayal, J Cao, G Eisenhauer, K Schwan, M Wolf, F Zheng, ...
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA …, 2012
Extending MPI to better support multi-application interaction
J Lofstead, J Dayal
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface: 19th European MPI Users …, 2012
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Articles 1–20