Michael J Reeder
Michael J Reeder
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Numerical modeling of gravity wave generation by deep tropical convection
TP Lane, MJ Reeder, TL Clark
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 58 (10), 1249-1274, 2001
A generalization of Petterssen's frontogenesis function and its relation to the forcing of vertical motion
D Keyser, MJ Reeder, RJ Reed
Monthly weather review 116 (3), 762-781, 1988
A global climatology of atmospheric fronts
G Berry, MJ Reeder, C Jakob
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (4), 2011
Inertia–gravity waves observed in the lower stratosphere over Macquarie Island
FM Guest, MJ Reeder, CJ Marks, DJ Karoly
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 57 (5), 737-752, 2000
On the movement and low-level structure of cold fronts
RK Smith, MJ Reeder
Monthly weather review 116 (10), 1927-1944, 1988
Local partitioning of the overturning circulation in the tropics and the connection to the Hadley and Walker circulations
J Schwendike, P Govekar, MJ Reeder, R Wardle, GJ Berry, C Jakob
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (3), 1322-1339, 2014
Objective identification of the intertropical convergence zone: Climatology and trends from the ERA-Interim
G Berry, MJ Reeder
Journal of climate 27 (5), 1894-1909, 2014
Regimes of the north Australian wet season
M Pope, C Jakob, MJ Reeder
Journal of Climate 22 (24), 6699-6715, 2009
The structure and evolution of heat waves in southeastern Australia
TJ Parker, GJ Berry, MJ Reeder
Journal of Climate 27 (15), 5768-5785, 2014
Convectively generated gravity waves and their effect on the cloud environment
TP Lane, MJ Reeder
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 58 (16), 2427-2440, 2001
Central Australian Cold Fronts
RK Smith, MJ Reeder, NJ Tapper, DR Christie
Monthly Weather Review 123, 16-38, 1995
Sea-breeze dynamics and convection initiation: The influence of convective parameterization in weather and climate model biases
CE Birch, MJ Roberts, L Garcia-Carreras, D Ackerley, MJ Reeder, ...
Journal of Climate 28 (20), 8093-8108, 2015
The meteorology of black Saturday
CB Engel, TP Lane, MJ Reeder, M Rezny
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 139 (672), 585-599, 2013
Gravity wave activity associated with tropical convection detected in TOGA COARE sounding data
DJ Karoly, GL Roff, MJ Reeder
Geophysical research letters 23 (3), 261-264, 1996
Severe convective storms initiated by intense wildfires: Numerical simulations of pyro‐convection and pyro‐tornadogenesis
P Cunningham, MJ Reeder
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (12), 2009
The influence of tropical cyclones on heat waves in Southeastern Australia
TJ Parker, GJ Berry, MJ Reeder
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (23), 6264-6270, 2013
Recent global trends in atmospheric fronts
G Berry, C Jakob, M Reeder
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (21), 2011
Stratospheric inertia–gravity waves generated in a numerical model of frontogenesis. II: Wave sources, generation mechanisms and momentum fluxes
MJ Reeder, M Griffiths
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 122 (533), 1175-1195, 1996
Rainfall changes over southwestern Australia and their relationship to the Southern Annular Mode and ENSO
BA Raut, C Jakob, MJ Reeder
Journal of Climate 27 (15), 5801-5814, 2014
Inner‐core vacillation cycles during the intensification of Hurricane Katrina
MC Nguyen, MJ Reeder, NE Davidson, RK Smith, MT Montgomery
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (657), 829-844, 2011
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