Mark D. Behn
Mark D. Behn
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Fracture propagation to the base of the Greenland Ice Sheet during supraglacial lake drainage
SB Das, I Joughin, MD Behn, IM Howat, MA King, D Lizarralde, MP Bhatia
Science 320 (5877), 778-781, 2008
Differentiation of the continental crust by relamination
BR Hacker, PB Kelemen, MD Behn
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 307 (3-4), 501-516, 2011
Automated analysis of electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectra of natural organic matter
EB Kujawinski, MD Behn
Analytical chemistry 78 (13), 4363-4373, 2006
Continental lower crust
BR Hacker, PB Kelemen, MD Behn
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 43 (1), 167-205, 2015
Diapirs as the source of the sediment signature in arc lavas
MD Behn, PB Kelemen, G Hirth, BR Hacker, HJ Massonne
Nature Geoscience 4 (9), 641-646, 2011
Role of melt supply in oceanic detachment faulting and formation of megamullions
BE Tucholke, MD Behn, WR Buck, J Lin
Geology 36 (6), 455-458, 2008
Post-entrapment modification of volatiles and oxygen fugacity in olivine-hosted melt inclusions
CE Bucholz, GA Gaetani, MD Behn, N Shimizu
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 374, 145-155, 2013
Intermittent plate tectonics?
PG Silver, MD Behn
science 319 (5859), 85-88, 2008
Global mantle flow and the development of seismic anisotropy: Differences between the oceanic and continental upper mantle
CP Conrad, MD Behn, PG Silver
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B7), 2007
Detection of upper mantle flow associated with the African Superplume
MD Behn, CP Conrad, PG Silver
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (3-4), 259-274, 2004
A community benchmark for subduction zone modeling
PE van Keken, C Currie, SD King, MD Behn, A Cagnioncle, J He, RF Katz, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 171 (1-4), 187-197, 2008
Constraints on lithosphere net rotation and asthenospheric viscosity from global mantle flow models and seismic anisotropy
CP Conrad, MD Behn
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11 (5), 2010
Spatio-temporal evolution of strain accumulation derived from multi-scale observations of Late Jurassic rifting in the northern North Sea: A critical test of models for …
PA Cowie, JR Underhill, MD Behn, J Lin, CE Gill
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 234 (3-4), 401-419, 2005
Magmatic and tectonic extension at mid‐ocean ridges: 1. Controls on fault characteristics
MD Behn, G Ito
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (8), 2008
Formation of lower continental crust by relamination of buoyant arc lavas and plutons
PB Kelemen, MD Behn
Nature Geoscience 9 (3), 197-205, 2016
Foundering of lower island-arc crust as an explanation for the origin of the continental Moho
O Jagoutz, MD Behn
Nature 504 (7478), 131-134, 2013
Implications of grain size evolution on the seismic structure of the oceanic upper mantle
MD Behn, G Hirth, JR Elsenbeck II
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 282 (1-4), 178-189, 2009
Correlated geophysical, geochemical, and volcanological manifestations of plume‐ridge interaction along the Galápagos Spreading Center
RS Detrick, JM Sinton, G Ito, JP Canales, M Behn, T Blacic, B Cushman, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 3 (10), 1-14, 2002
Stability of arc lower crust: Insights from the Talkeetna arc section, south central Alaska, and the seismic structure of modern arcs
MD Behn, PB Kelemen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B11), 2006
Relationship between seismic P‐wave velocity and the composition of anhydrous igneous and meta‐igneous rocks
MD Behn, PB Kelemen
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4 (5), 2003
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Articles 1–20