Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius
Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius
Other namesFrederik Borgesius, F.J. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.J.Z. Borgesius
Professor ICT and Law, iHub, Radboud University, The Netherlands
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Cited by
Cited by
Should we worry about filter bubbles?
FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius, D Trilling, J Möller, B Bodó, CH De Vreese, ...
Internet policy review 5 (1), 1-16, 2016
Online behavioral advertising: A literature review and research agenda
SC Boerman, S Kruikemeier, FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius
Journal of advertising 46 (3), 363-376, 2017
The European Union general data protection regulation: what it is and what it means
CJ Hoofnagle, B van der Sloot, F Zuiderveen Borgesius
Information & Communications Technology Law 28 (1), 65-98, 2019
Demystifying the Draft EU Artificial Intelligence Act—Analysing the good, the bad, and the unclear elements of the proposed approach
M Veale, F Zuiderveen Borgesius
Computer Law Review International 22 (4), 97-112, 2021
Online political microtargeting: Promises and threats for democracy
F Zuiderveen Borgesius, J Möller, S Kruikemeier, R Ó Fathaigh, K Irion, ...
Utrecht Law Review 14 (1), 82-96, 2018
Discrimination, artificial intelligence, and algorithmic decision-making
F Zuiderveen Borgesius
Council of Europe, Directorate General of Democracy, 42, 2018
Exploring motivations for online privacy protection behavior: Insights from panel data
SC Boerman, S Kruikemeier, FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius
Communication Research 48 (7), 953-977, 2021
Strengthening legal protection against discrimination by algorithms and artificial intelligence
FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius
The International Journal of Human Rights 24 (10), 1572-1593, 2020
Online price discrimination and EU data privacy law
F Zuiderveen Borgesius, J Poort
Journal of consumer policy 40 (3), 347-366, 2017
The perfect match? A closer look at the relationship between EU consumer law and data protection law
N Helberger, F Zuiderveen Borgesius, A Reyna
Common Market Law Review 54 (5), 2017
Open data, privacy, and fair information principles: Towards a balancing framework
F Zuiderveen Borgesius, J Gray, M Van Eechoud
Berkeley Technology Law Journal 30 (3), 2073-2131, 2015
Tackling the algorithmic control crisis-the technical, legal, and ethical challenges of research into algorithmic agents
B Bodo, N Helberger, K Irion, F Zuiderveen Borgesius, J Moller, ...
Yale JL & Tech. 19, 133, 2017
Improving privacy protection in the area of behavioural targeting
F Zuiderveen Borgesius
Available at SSRN 2654213, 2015
Singling out people without knowing their names–Behavioural targeting, pseudonymous data, and the new Data Protection Regulation
FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius
Computer Law & Security Review 32 (2), 256-271, 2016
Dark and bright patterns in cookie consent requests
PAJ Graßl, HK Schraffenberger, FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius, MA Buijzen
Tracking walls, take-it-or-leave-it choices, the GDPR, and the ePrivacy regulation
FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius, S Kruikemeier, SC Boerman, N Helberger
Eur. Data Prot. L. Rev. 3, 353, 2017
Digital welfare fraud detection and the Dutch SyRI judgment
M Van Bekkum, F Zuiderveen Borgesius
European Journal of Social Security 23 (4), 323-340, 2021
The regulation of online political micro-targeting in Europe
T Dobber, R Ó Fathaigh, FJ Zuiderveen Borgesius
Internet Policy Review 8 (4), 1-20, 2019
Google Spain v. González: Did the Court Forget about Freedom of Expression?: Case C-131/12 Google Spain SL and Google Inc. v. Agencia Española de Protección de Datos and Mario …
S Kulk, F Zuiderveen Borgesius
European Journal of Risk Regulation 5 (3), 389-398, 2014
Adtech and real-time bidding under European data protection law
M Veale, F Zuiderveen Borgesius
German Law Journal 23 (2), 226-256, 2022
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Articles 1–20