Qiaoshi(Charles) Zeng
Qiaoshi(Charles) Zeng
Other namesQiaoshi Zeng
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Cited by
Enhanced strength and ductility in a high-entropy alloy via ordered oxygen complexes
Z Lei, X Liu, Y Wu, H Wang, S Jiang, S Wang, X Hui, Y Wu, B Gault, ...
Nature 563 (7732), 546-550, 2018
ZnFe2O4 nanocrystals: synthesis and magnetic properties
C Yao, Q Zeng, GF Goya, T Torres, J Liu, H Wu, M Ge, Y Zeng, Y Wang, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (33), 12274-12278, 2007
Abundant polymorphic transitions in the Al0. 6CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy
L Wang, F Zhang, Z Nie, F Wang, B Wang, S Zhou, Y Xue, B Cheng, ...
Materials Today Physics 8, 1-9, 2019
Pressure induced metallization with absence of structural transition in layered molybdenum diselenide
Z Zhao, H Zhang, H Yuan, S Wang, Y Lin, Q Zeng, G Xu, Z Liu, GK Solanki, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7312, 2015
Long-range topological order in metallic glass
Q Zeng, H Sheng, Y Ding, L Wang, W Yang, JZ Jiang, WL Mao, HK Mao
Science 332 (6036), 1404-1406, 2011
Origin of pressure-induced polyamorphism in Ce 75 Al 25 metallic glass
Q Zeng, Y Ding, WL Mao, W Yang, SV Sinogeikin, J Shu, H Mao, JZ Jiang
Physical review letters 104 (10), 105702, 2010
Pressure-Induced Structural Evolution and Band Gap Shifts of Organometal Halide Perovskite-Based Methylammonium Lead Chloride
L Wang, K Wang, G Xiao, Q Zeng, B Zou
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (24), 5273-5279, 2016
Fractal atomic-level percolation in metallic glasses
DZ Chen, CY Shi, Q An, Q Zeng, WL Mao, WA Goddard III, JR Greer
Science 349 (6254), 1306-1310, 2015
Atomic-Scale Mechanisms of the Glass-Forming Ability in Metallic Glasses
L Yang, GQ Guo, LY Chen, CL Huang, T Ge, D Chen, PK Liaw, K Saksl, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (10), 105502, 2012
In situ measurement of lithiation-induced stress in silicon nanoparticles using micro-Raman spectroscopy
Z Zeng, N Liu, Q Zeng, SW Lee, WL Mao, Y Cui
Nano Energy 22, 105-110, 2016
Anomalous compression behavior in lanthanum/cerium-based metallic glass under high pressure
QS Zeng, YC Li, CM Feng, P Liermann, M Somayazulu, GY Shen, H Mao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (34), 13565-13568, 2007
A highly distorted ultraelastic chemically complex Elinvar alloy
QF He, JG Wang, HA Chen, ZY Ding, ZQ Zhou, LH Xiong, JH Luan, ...
Nature 602 (7896), 251-257, 2022
Disproportionation of (Mg, Fe) SiO3 perovskite in Earth’s deep lower mantle
L Zhang, Y Meng, W Yang, L Wang, WL Mao, QS Zeng, JS Jeong, ...
Science 344 (6186), 877-882, 2014
Synthesis of quenchable amorphous diamond
Z Zeng, L Yang, Q Zeng, H Lou, H Sheng, J Wen, DJ Miller, Y Meng, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 322, 2017
Universal Fractional Noncubic Power Law for Density of Metallic Glasses
Q Zeng, Y Kono, Y Lin, Z Zeng, J Wang, SV Sinogeikin, C Park, Y Meng, ...
Physical Review Letters 112 (18), 185502, 2014
Sub-10-nm graphene nanoribbons with atomically smooth edges from squashed carbon nanotubes
C Chen, Y Lin, W Zhou, M Gong, Z He, F Shi, X Li, JZ Wu, KT Lam, ...
Nature Electronics 4 (9), 653-663, 2021
Pressure-induced tuning of lattice distortion in a high-entropy oxide
B Cheng, H Lou, A Sarkar, Z Zeng, F Zhang, X Chen, L Tan, ...
Communications Chemistry 2 (1), 114, 2019
Substantial tensile ductility in sputtered Zr-Ni-Al nano-sized metallic glass
R Liontas, M Jafary-Zadeh, Q Zeng, YW Zhang, WL Mao, JR Greer
Acta Materialia 118, 270-285, 2016
Novel High-Pressure Monoclinic Metallic Phase of V2O3
MV Yang Ding, Cheng-Chien Chen, Qiaoshi Zeng, Heung
Physical Review Letters 112, 056401, 2014
Atomic structure of Al89La6Ni5 metallic glass
K Saksl, P Jóvári, H Franz, QS Zeng, JF Liu, JZ Jiang
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (32), 7579, 2006
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