Larissa Oliveira Gonçalves
Larissa Oliveira Gonçalves
PhD in Ecology, Researcher at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
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Cited by
BRAZIL ROAD‐KILL: a data set of wildlife terrestrial vertebrate road‐kills
C Grilo, MR Coimbra, RC Cerqueira, P Barbosa, RAP Dornas, ...
Ecology 99 (11), 2625-2625, 2018
Reptile road-kills in Southern Brazil: Composition, hot moments and hotspots
LO Gonçalves, DJ Alvares, FZ Teixeira, G Schuck, IP Coelho, ...
Science of the total environment 615, 1438-1445, 2018
NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics
PM Santos, A Bocchiglieri, AG Chiarello, AP Paglia, A Moreira, ...
Ecology 100 (7), e02663, 2019
Land use explains the distribution of threatened new world amphibians better than climate
FT Brum, LO Gonçalves, L Cappelatti, MB Carlucci, VJ Debastiani, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e60742, 2013
Neotropical alien mammals: a data set of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics
CA Rosa, BR Ribeiro, V Bejarano, FH Puertas, A Bocchiglieri, ...
Ecology 101 (11), e03115, 2020
Climate effects on amphibian distributions depend on phylogenetic resolution and the biogeographical history of taxa
LDS Duarte, C Both, VJ Debastiani, MB Carlucci, LO Gonçalves, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (2), 213-222, 2014
Revisiting the dimensionality of biological diversity
G Nakamura, LO Gonçalves, LS Duarte
Ecography 43 (4), 539-548, 2020
Road effects on wildlife in Brazilian environmental licensing
KPA Freitas, LO Gonçalves, A Kindel, FZ Teixeira
Oecologia Australis 21 (3), 2017
Phylogenetic and functional structure of climbing plant assemblages in woody patches advancing over Campos grassland
GDS Seger, L Cappelatti, LO Gonçalves, FG Becker, AS Melo, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 28 (6), 1187-1197, 2017
The need to consider searcher efficiency and carcass persistence in railway wildlife fatality studies
BT Dasoler, A Kindel, J Beduschi, LD Biasotto, RAP Dornas, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 66 (5), 81, 2020
Mainstreaming ecological connectivity in road environmental impact assessments: a long way to go
L Oliveira Gonçalves, A Kindel, V Augusto Galvão Bastazini, ...
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 40 (6), 475-480, 2022
Predição de impactos na fauna: uma proposta para aprimorar estudos de impacto ambiental
FZ Teixeira, LO Gonçalves, B Zucatti, IS Lermen, OGS De, IC Franceschi, ...
Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia 89, 146-153, 2020
Following the “Why? What? and How?” schema to improve road-kill evaluation in environmental impact assessments of Southern Brazil
A Kindel, FZ Teixeira, LO Gonçalves, IP Coelho, J Beduschi, ...
Oecologia Australis 21 (3), 2017
Ensilaje de girasol como opción forrajera
L Ribeiro, L Gonçalves, N Rodríguez, T Ribeiro
Obtenido de https://www. alice. cnptia. embrapa. br/alice/bitstream/doc …, 2007
Spatially prioritizing mitigation for amphibian roadkills based on fatality estimation and landscape conversion
LO Gonçalves, IV Brack, C Zank, J Beduschi, A Kindel
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1123292, 2023
Mammalian fatalities on roads: how sampling errors affect road prioritization and dominant species influence spatiotemporal patterns
IC Franceschi, LO Gonçalves, A Kindel, TC Trigo
European Journal of Wildlife Research 67 (6), 97, 2021
Ferramentas geográficas para análise e mitigação de impactos ambientais causados por infraestruturas viárias de transporte terrestre
FZ Teixeira, LO Gonçalves, LD Biasotto, RAA Nóbrega, A Kindel
Unesc, 2020
Avaliações de impacto ambiental de rodovias: as perguntas estão sendo respondidas?
LO Gonçalves
Como a Biologia pode ser ensinada sem a eterna decoreba?
LO Gonçalves
Ecologia de estradas: como aplicar ciência à gestão ambiental
FZ Teixeira, LO Gonçalves
Unesc, 2019
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Articles 1–20