Kevin Pedretti
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Cited by
Evaluating the viability of process replication reliability for exascale systems
K Ferreira, J Stearley, JH Laros III, R Oldfield, K Pedretti, R Brightwell, ...
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2011
Palacios and kitten: New high performance operating systems for scalable virtualized and native supercomputing
J Lange, K Pedretti, T Hudson, P Dinda, Z Cui, L Xia, P Bridges, A Gocke, ...
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
SeaStar interconnect: Balanced bandwidth for scalable performance
R Brightwell, KT Pedretti, KD Underwood, T Hudson
IEEE Micro 26 (3), 41-57, 2006
Minimal-overhead virtualization of a large scale supercomputer
JR Lange, K Pedretti, P Dinda, PG Bridges, C Bae, P Soltero, A Merritt
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 46 (7), 169-180, 2011
A tale of two systems: Using containers to deploy HPC applications on supercomputers and clouds
AJ Younge, K Pedretti, RE Grant, R Brightwell
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2017
Parallelization of local BLAST service on workstation clusters
RC Braun, KT Pedretti, TL Casavant, TE Scheetz, CL Birkett, CA Roberts
Future Generation Computer Systems 17 (6), 745-754, 2001
Exploiting geometric partitioning in task mapping for parallel computers
M Deveci, S Rajamanickam, VJ Leung, K Pedretti, SL Olivier, DP Bunde, ...
2014 IEEE 28th international parallel and distributed processing symposium …, 2014
SMARTMAP: Operating system support for efficient data sharing among processes on a multi-core processor
R Brightwell, K Pedretti, T Hudson
SC'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 1-12, 2008
The Portals 4.1 network programming interface
B Barrett, RB Brightwell, R Grant, K Pedretti, K Wheeler, KD Underwood, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2017
Energy based performance tuning for large scale high performance computing systems
JH Laros III, KT Pedretti, SM Kelly, W Shu, CT Vaughan
Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on High Performance Computing, 1-10, 2012
The impact of system design parameters on application noise sensitivity
KB Ferreira, PG Bridges, R Brightwell, KT Pedretti
Cluster computing 16, 117-129, 2013
Achieving performance isolation with lightweight co-kernels
J Ouyang, B Kocoloski, JR Lange, K Pedretti
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2015
Exascale design space exploration and co-design
SS Dosanjh, RF Barrett, DW Doerfler, SD Hammond, KS Hemmert, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 30, 46-58, 2014
Initial performance evaluation of the Cray SeaStar interconnect
R Brightwell, K Pedretti, KD Underwood
13th Symposium on High Performance Interconnects (HOTI'05), 51-57, 2005
Energy delay product
JH Laros III, K Pedretti, SM Kelly, W Shu, K Ferreira, J Van Dyke, ...
Energy-Efficient High Performance Computing: Measurement and Tuning, 51-55, 2013
Standardizing power monitoring and control at exascale
RE Grant, M Levenhagen, SL Olivier, D DeBonis, KT Pedretti, JH Laros III
Computer 49 (10), 38-46, 2016
SST+ gem5= a scalable simulation infrastructure for high performance computing
M Hsieh, J Meng, M Levenhagen, K Pedretti, A Coskun, A Rodrigues
Fifth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, 2012
Investigating the impact of the Cielo Cray XE6 architecture on scientific application codes
C Vaughan, M Rajan, R Barrett, D Doerfler, K Pedretti
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing …, 2011
Implementation and performance of Portals 3.3 on the Cray XT3
R Brightwell, T Hudson, K Pedretti, R Riesen, KD Underwood
2005 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 1-10, 2005
Energy and power aware job scheduling and resource management: Global survey—initial analysis
M Maiterth, G Koenig, K Pedretti, S Jana, N Bates, A Borghesi, D Montoya, ...
2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2018
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Articles 1–20